Chapter 24: The Heist

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November 10, 2025

"I know you're the adult in this relationship, but do I need to remind you that breaking and entering is considered a no-no? Not to mention it's not just a random house, but a house that's been crawling with law enforcement for the past few weeks?"

"I get it, Henri. It's a crazy idea. With the way the investigation's been going, I have to step outside of my comfort zone if I want to see things moving along."

"Miss P, you can step outside your comfort zone without breaking the law. They're not synonymous."

I smirk. "Living with me has done wonders for your vocabulary."

"Ugh, don't mention it. Yesterday, I used the word 'juxtaposition' in a sentence and my friends all looked at me like I had three heads. Don't try changing the subject." He looks at me pointedly.

"I'm not. There's just nothing left to discuss. Tonight, I'm going to sneak into Peter's house and rifle through his things. There has to be something hidden there."

Henri crosses his arms and shakes his head. "I still think this is a terrible idea, but if you're going to do it, at least let me come with you. Two pairs of eyes are better than one," he says with finality.

I shake my head. "No way. If things go south, I'm not going to be responsible for getting you into trouble. Like you said, I'm the adult here."

"I'm already in trouble just by association," he says as if it's obvious. "Anything you get caught doing is going to come back to me if it's got anything to do with Peter. You'll need someone to watch your back if you don't want to get caught."

He stands up straight and looks me dead in the eye. "Either I come with you, or I call the police right now and tell them what you're planning."

I stare at Henri, trying to gauge his resolve. He could be annoyingly persistent when he sets his mind to something, but I know he isn't bluffing. I sigh, relenting. "Fine, but you're just going to keep watch, and if anything is amiss and I tell you to get out of there, you'll listen to me–no if, ands, or buts about it, OK?"

"Fine," he agrees without hesitation.

"We'll go tonight then." He nods. "You might want to change into something less...conspicuous," I suggest, eyeing his lime green T-shirt and orange shorts.

He glances down and nods. "Yeah I guess neon green isn't exactly stealth-mode." He jogs up the stairs to the loft to get changed and I double-check the utility bag I've had packed for weeks, just in case. Flashlight, gloves, a crow-bar, some bobby pins and a tension wrench.

Before long, Henri returns in dark jeans and a black hoodie, looking the part of an amateur-sleuth. I give him a nod of approval and shoulder my bag. "Let's go."

We slip out of the house as quietly as we can and make our way down the street towards Peter's, keeping to the shadows. The streets are empty, most of the town has settled in for the night. I glance at my watch. It's 9:43.

As we near the house, I can hear my heart pounding in my ears. The house is still taped off from the initial investigation, a reminder of the risk we're taking by being here.

A motion for Henri to follow me, and we crouch behind a hedge that borders Peter's house with the neighbor's property. "See anything?" I whisper to Henri. He glances around and shakes his head.

"Let's just get this over with," he replies nervously.

We approach the house from the side, which is canopied with trees and I've got a clear view of a side window I'd noticed the last time I was here, had a loosened latch. I was betting on it being the easiest to pry open with a crowbar. "Hand me the crowbar, would you?"

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