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A young girl sat in the middle of a large pine forest over the edge of the cliffside. Her small legs dangled precariously over the edge, lazily swinging back and forth as she studied the darkened forest around her. Night air, sharp and cool, rustled through the trees, the breeze brushing against a young girl's cheeks.

She hummed in thought, the tension in her body releasing as she let out a sigh. The ten-year-old, while she loved her parents, often felt trapped in the small home. Because of this, it wasn't uncommon to find her bounding through the woods, much to her parent's chagrin. She had a special place in her heart for the wilderness, and no amount of scolding or strict curfews could stop her. Her thoughts shifted, fixating on the stars above. As she watched the stars and moon, a sense of calm washed over her, temporarily drowning out her worries.

Something small poked beneath her leg as she shifted, jolting her from her stupor. With furrowed brows, her fingers quickly discovered the cause of the interruption: a small sharp pebble. Irritation briefly crossed her face as she toyed with the tiny rock, feeling its rough surface between her fingertips. Without thinking, she tossed it over her shoulder, hoping to be rid of the nuisance.

To her surprise, a pained yelp came from the bushes behind her. Her heart pounded as she slowly turned, her muscles tight as she studied the area around her. No one else was supposed to be in these woods, especially this late in the night. A chill washed down her spine as she pulled her legs near her. Preparing to run, she summoned the courage to speak.

"W-who is there?" she stammered, voice cracking in fear. The rustle of leaves and twigs made her heart flip before a boy around her age emerged from the dense foliage. They locked eyes for a moment, both seemingly taken aback. Hair, black as the midnight sky, framed his face, eyes wide as he looked at her as if assessing if she was any threat. He seemed to find nothing intimidating about the girl as his shoulders fell.

"No need to get scared; it's just me," the boy said in a hushed tone, moving closer to the girl. She bristled at the stranger, still wary as she watched him.

"I wasn't scared," she countered, puffing her cheeks in defense. She didn't want him to believe she feared him in any way. Her mentor always told her never to show her fear. The boy raised a disbelieving eyebrow, and her cheeks flushed.

"If you say so," he murmured skeptically, settling down beside her. She tensed but didn't say a word, her curiosity overshadowing her initial apprehension. As they sat side by side, a quiet breeze rustling the leaves around them, the girl couldn't help but sneak glances at the boy. He looked a year or two older than her, with tousled black hair that desperately needed a haircut.

His dark brown eyes held a certain part of mischief, his lips curling into a permanent smirk. His clothes were a bit disheveled, covered with various parts of the woods- patches of mud and leaves clung to his clothes, telling her that he'd most likely been wandering in the woods for a while.

"So, who are you?" she finally asked. He glanced at her, studying her petite frame for a moment before a faint grin tugged at his lips

"Why do you want to know?" he quipped, leaning back on his hands and looking up at the starry sky.

The young girl blinked at his rudeness, obviously taken aback, but she wasn't one to back down easily. "Because I'm not about to sit in the dark with a stranger," she retorted back. He looked at her with feigned innocence.

"Why not?" he wondered, his smirk growing. At this point, she realized he was teasing her and rolled her eyes in response.

"Fine then. If you're not going to tell me, I'll leave," she said, making a move to get up. A sudden flash of panic crossed his face, and he quickly lifted his hands as if to stop her. "No, wait! I was messing with you," he exclaimed, his voice shifting to a hushed whisper. "My name's Caz... just please don't leave." His words held a hint of desperation as he stared into her eyes.

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