Part Twelve the black sheep and the hawk

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Johnny weaved through the crowd of kids, stood along the strip mall sidewalk. Carefully walking into the dojo, to find his students. His son along with Ana, Miguel and Aisha.

"What the hell is with the line outside?" Johnny asks  watching the four teenagers turn towards him.

"School fight was recorded they wanna Learn the way of the fist." Miguel says bowing to Johnny with a smile. Ash giving a small nod bowing aswell, followed by the two girls. Ash hadn't bowed to his father in a long time. But here Johnny stood, with a crowd outside. Ready to let him guide them, ash only hoped he'd do it right this time.

"No shit alright let the little shits in let's see who's cobra Kai material."

The afternoon was long as kids left as soon as they came. Johnny tearing them down one by one, ash had felt bad. When demetri hit the mat after telling everyone. Johnny couldn't hit them when they were paying him. This leading to the boy leaving in a hurry. Clutching his puffer as he tried to breath.

He noticed Colby against the back wall, knowing he'd come in support of Eli. The boy keeping to himself, knowing if he participated. Daniel might just kill him, his eyes locking with Johnny. As the man approached Eli staring directly at the boys lip.

"Lip you got anything or you just as weak as your lanky friend." Johnny asks carefully walking around the boy examining him. Eli not replying nervously chewing on his lip. As if he'd hope the man would back off him.

"I'm talking to you scrawny, you here to waste my time lip or you gonna respond. When I'm talking to you"

"Don't call him that" the voice is cold the kids making a gap in the crowd. As Colby approached the two, finding himself between Eli and Johnny. Stepping up towards the man like he was bored.

"Are you his night in shining armour, I'm not here to talk to pussys lip can either talk or walk." Johnny says eyeing the boy, he looked familiar but the man couldn't pin it.

"I'll rephrase myself stop calling him that, or I'm gonna kick an old mans ass. I'm not gonna feel all that bad about it." Colby hisses carefully turning to Eli to mutter something in his ear. Johnny taking his as his opportunity to sweep the boys legs out from under him.

But Colby was already pivoting from where he once stood. Before Johnny is able to knock him down. Landing a swift kick to the man's chest, knock him back against the mat. Turning his full attention to Johnny, who's now huffing. Carefully getting back up to his feet, "your larussos kid."

"In the flesh you might think pussy don't make good fighters. My dad kicked your ass in eighty five you now have a dinghy strip mall dojo. An he's making six figures every year, tell me. Maybe pussy don't make good fighters, but they make good people. Something you can't exactly say about yourself can you."

"Get out of my dojo" Johnny yells the boy barely blinks with the grit of his teeth.

"Don't worry we were just leaving" Colby says grabbing Eli's hand guiding him to the door. Both leaving with the ring of the door, Johnny turning to look at his son.

"Couldn't have mentioned larussos kid was in fucking attendance?"

"Didn't think you'd piss him off enough to get your ass kicked." Ash says watching how his father jaw clenchs looking at the students.

"Be back here tomorrow three pm sharp don't be late or your cut!" He yells stomping off towards the office. Ana making her way to ash carefully "so your dad and Colby's have issues?"

"Try a thirty year rivalry, where they were enemys. Until my dad was almost murdered by his sensei, to be saved by daniels. To then date before breaking up and not speaking for thirty years." Ash says as if it's the most causal thing he's ever said. Watching Ana jaw drop looking at him "you can't drop lore like that without details."

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