My blood is red and unafraid of living

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"Katsuki, why is this room such a mess and WHY are you still holed up in your room? I haven't seen you since last night!" Mitsuki calls out after seeing the absolute mess her son was living in, she almost let out a shriek of horror from seeing all the clothes cluttered and jumbled up on the ground. "Ugh. Please clean this up before dinner." She groans in frustration. "And spray some air refresher in here! how can you not smell this horrid odour??" she chimes in before finally closing the door.

Katsuki just grunts, clearly in no mood to get yelled at, and not really having any energy to clean his room. He shoved all his clothes inside the closet and rearranges his things around a bit to create the illusion of it actually being clean. he flopped back down on his bed and went on his phone again.

Mitsuki calls out for bakugo to eat dinner at the family dining table instead of his room. Usually he'd protest against this but Mitsuki said she had something to announce. He comes down in an all black pajama set and sits down, barely making any eye contact with his parents.

As the trio begins to dig in their food, with Katsuki being on his phone the whole time, and Masaru eating in silence. Mitsuki sees this as an opportunity to finally declare her announcement, "So," she says in-between bites "A mom and her teen-aged son moved in next door, isn't that exciting, Katsuki? it'd be great to have another mom friend, and you'd have a new friend since he's going to your school!" Katsuki immediately shifts his attention from the phone to his beaming mother, she seems.. genuinely excited? very unlike her to be this enthusiastic, he simply scoffs and rolls his eyes, "You acted as if it was something important. He's probably just some extra, how'd he even get into UA?" He questions with sincere irritation, with a scowl on his face, The last thing he'd want is for another idiot to bother him at school, he has enough of those.

he diverts his attention back to his food, "Whatever, it's not like we need to talk to them anyway." he murmurs while looking down at his plate "Uhm, actually Katsuki, it'd be nice if you tried to befriend the neighbours-" Masaru adds in before getting interrupted by a death glare coming from a particular blond-haired boy, katsuki then opens his mouth to say something before his mother cuts him off with a bonk on his head, "Katsuki, we're going to introduce ourselves to our neighbours POLITELY, meaning no yelling or shouting of the sort and be respectful. You don't have a choice in this matter, we're going right after dinner." he shrieks in protest but knowing his mother, he should just give it up immediately, otherwise she'll go on about her "Good manners" speech and dinner will never end.

"I'm really looking forward to this! you know, they might not be as bad as you think." Masaru smiles at him, trying to ease the intension. "Yeah, yeah. whatever, old man." he mumbles under his breath before Mitsuki snaps at him again "What was that?" she says in a rather passive-aggressive tone, "Nothing.. ma'am." he looks back down and takes his plate to the kitchen since he already finished eating long ago. "That's what I thought" She sighs and continues eating, and talking with her husband about Katsuki, and how much she's concerned about him.

Katsuki goes back to his room after washing up in the bathroom, he sighs before slumping down in his desk chair, only thinking about the whole neighbour thing, maybe his dad was right.. maybe he won't be that bad? or maybe Katsuki's just stressing over this for no reason. he sighs again before standing up and walking towards his wardrobe, thinking about what to wear. Obviously his mother would want him to leave a good first impression, would probably want him to dress like Brian Johnson or something, that's not what he wants though.

He sighs again, this is becoming really frustrating. Thinking is just frustrating. He settles down on a pair of jorts and sweater, why would he dress to impress when the neighbours live right next door anyway?

he goes downstairs where he finds his parents already ready standing in the foyer, he sees them holding a cookie basket, assuming they're a welcome gift he shrugs it off and slides on a pair of brown sneakers and jogs up to them, they glance at his outfit, Mitsuki examining it before coming to the conclusion that it's appropriate enough. "When did they move in? Obviously it's not today, but if it was any later I would've known." Katsuki asks, it's a fair enough question, usually you'd notice stuff like this. "They moved in yesterday, but you were probably too busy playing video games to notice." she rolls her eyes and grimaces once she remembers the memory of her son camping out in his room for 4 days straight.

Masaru fixes the buttons on his polo t-shirt before knocking on the door, he hears some commotion going on inside, which was good. Meant that they were home. Katsuki stands there looking moody as usual and scoffs, being very impatient. Mitsuki's face lit up once she saw a woman open the door, the woman is short, has her hair in a half-up half-down hairstyle while wearing bunny slippers and a baggy maxi skirt, and her sweater buttoned up all the way.

She greets them and welcomes them in right away. "Please excuse the mess," she giggles before continuing "It's so nice of you guys to stop by, I'm Inko Midoriya" giving them all a warm, sweet smile. "I'm Mitsuki Bakugo, this is my husband, Masaru Bakugo, and this is our son.." she looks at Katsuki motioning for him to introduce himself, nudging his arm "Uh.. the name's Katsuki bakugo" He fixes up his posture once he realises all attention is on him, Mitsuki doesn't stop glancing at him however, almost in anticipation. like she was waiting for him to say something, Oh! he exclaims, "it's very nice to meet you... ma'am." Mitsuki signs in relief, "And how old are you Katsuki?"  "I'm 16" I felt her eyes sparkle as soon as she says that "That's perfect! My son, Izuku, is the same age, you can go up to his room. he's probably playing video games, you too can go have fun"

He feels himself nodding before having any other time to react, not a single word was muttered from him after that and he slowly went up the stairs, he didn't even know where the guy's room was, he eyeballed it and opened the first door he saw, the one right next to the staircase, there he saw a teen-aged boy sitting on his gaming chair, he looked kinda surprised, who wouldn't if they ssw a stranger enter their room?

"Uh.. I'm sorry but w-who are you?" the greenette barely manages to mutter out. "I'm Katsuki Bakugo, your neighbour." he rolls his eyes, just as he expected, he is a damn nerd. but, he's also kinda cute..? but still a nerd. "Oh! I'm Izuku Midoriya!" Katsuki nods and sits on his bed, they sit in awkward silence before he asks, "Will we be going to the same school?" "Yeah, we will." "Thank God! I was worried about being alone on the first day, will you show me around?" He beams at him with expectation, Katsuki's not the friendly type, not at all. but something about Midoriya made Katsuki wanna impress and make him like him so badly, "Sure. when will you start?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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