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This starts in the past, the beginning.

With the first user of the Chaos cursed technique.

Many years ago Rin Ririzu became a witch, making offerings to nature and to different deities. After a long journey the deities decided that she would receive an essence of their power, but that power was already within her, what the deities offer was a spark through a trigger, so that way she could use her good intentions to balance the bad.

That is when she saw it first, the power within her...

A type of black energy, constantly shifting, changing... Ririzu learned that this power could have manifestations in different ways:

-Fire from hell: fire of the purest degree destined to purify every ill or bad intention/energy.

-Pure chaos: a sort of emanation of channeled energy where the transmutation of energy is constantly changing at a fast pace, the only one that is able to feel fully the transmutation of the chaos without transmuting into nothingness (being killed physically or purified -transmuting into something that brings balance) would be the same infinity of the universe.

-Every curse that contacts the chaos user would be absorbed to be something used for a good cause: eliminating the next curse or evil. Or also as something as simple as being destroyed.

-Every manifestation of energy (for example: a being) has a line of connection to the universe and by consequence to the chaos. Somehow we are all connected to the universe.

-Chaos user mantras to activate the curse technique: black fire from the hell, purify.
energy from with in; emate.
Chaos; transmutate.
And depending on the intention: channeled chaos; destroyer/rebirther.

Chaos is destruction, death, chaos is new beginnings, rebirth, new chances.

(...)Note: Kearizu uses chaos energy to heal at an exponential rate. Similar to reverse cursed technique, very similar, the difference was basically the speed and some other details.(...)

"Kearizu!" screamed her father interrupting her reading from learning more the history of their own clan.

"Yes father" she answered.

"Stop that, you don't need it anyway" his father took her book violently "... you don't deserve to read that masterpiece, you don't have the technique" and with a severe tone he concluded with " which means you are a failure" Kea wanted to roll her eyes so badly but she set priorities and thought that for her own good (no violent consequences) would be the best decision ig she didn't.

"... we'll have visitors, I need you clean and well dressed, you have 25 minutes, it is important a very close friend from my past"

Kearizu agreed, father left, he was always tough on her, since 300 years there hasn't been any full user of the technique, just female sorcerers from her clan that were able to conjure bits and pieces of some of the cursed energy. But nothing like Ririzu. At her 12 years of age she felt useless to the family, not even a piece of power like the other just... Being a healer. A gifted one... Following what her professor said, but not enough for her family.

Another generation without a full user of the Chaos cursed technique. Or so they thought.


Kearizu was elegantly dressed, her long curly black hair fell on her shoulders, the empty look in her eyes was melancholic, her maid smiled at her.
"Thank you Nao" said Kearizu with a shy smile. Suddenly the knock on the door resonated deeply in her room, startling her.
"I am on my way" she implied, rubbing her hands nervously on her black and purple kimono.
"You look beautiful." said Nao-her maid-, giving her a hint of confidence.

Chaos within the infinityWhere stories live. Discover now