Chapter 10

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It was around evening when Class 1-A and the phantom thieves had returned to the dorms since they were given free time. The girls each had multiple bags of clothes and other things they bought while the guys had bought snacks, pizza and videogames.

Ryuji: Man I can't believe I managed to score the last Marvel vs Capcom fighting collection

Kirishima: Ryuji bro do you think we can have a turn at playing the game with you?

Ryuji: What are you talking about? Why do you think I bought it ?

Kaminari: Wait you bought it so we can all play?

Ryuji: Damn straight! I bought it because I thought we were all bros now

All the 1-A bros were showing Ryuji love for thinking about everyone while Shoto seemed a bit out of place meanwhile Yusuke had tapped his shoulder and handed him a bag with two orders of cold soba

Ren: Izuku told me you prefer traditional Japanese food so I bought some for you in case you didn't want Pizza

Shoto was shocked not only did they accommodate his preference it felt like the first time someone other than his sister and brother natsuo actually cared what he wanted.

Shoto: Thank you

Ren: no problem let's join in the fun

Ryuji set up the game while the guys began to eat a couple slices of pizza as for the ladies they were having a good time sharing gossip. Suddenly through 1-A's dorms came Sojiro,Sae and snipe with a wide smiling Eri

Eri: We're Home!

All: Welcome back

As Sojiro put Eri down she quickly ran to Makoto "mommy" as Eri jumped into her arms as the two shared a hug

Makoto: Did you have a good time with your auntie and great grandpa

Eri: I did and Great grandpa and auntie each bought me two new pretty dresses

Makoto: Did you say thankyou?

Eri: I sure did with a big hug and kiss

Sojiro: She's very well behaved and mannered

Sae: We also got a lot of free hair accessories too

Sojiro: How about some coffee

All: yes please.

Izuku: How about I give you a hand grandpa.

Sojiro: Like old times

The grandfather and grandson duo had made coffee for everyone and a special ice cold chocolate drink for Eri. As everyone was enjoying their drinks until a sudden burst from their dorms happened

?: who is making that amazing coffee !

His voice sounded jealous and angry  it was none other than class 1-B nieto Monoma who demand to know why 1-A was getting quote unquote special treatment.

Monoma: Why do the scum of 1-A get a personal barista! Alright old man give me the best coffee you got!

As the rest of 1-B came racing in to prevent any fights from breaking out but it was too late.

Eri: Don't yell at my great grandpa!

Monoma: Shut up cursed child!

Eri was self conscious because of always being called a cursed child but when  small tears made there way down her face. She then heard gut wrenching screams coming from the person who insulted her. Izuku had smashed his right fist on his face while Joker smashed threw his left hook that completely shattered Monoma's jaw instantly Makoto and Haru had done their Showtime finisher which left the fool completely incapacitated.

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