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Days turned into a blur as Zyon remained confined within the walls of his room. Desperately, he attempted to recall every lost memory, but it was as if the past had slipped through his fingers like grains of sand.

Every now and then, Elena would step into his room after seeing off her younger siblings at school. She would try to assist him in recollecting his past, but he would dismiss her efforts, unable to overcome his lingering suspicion. 

"How about your family?" Elena would inquire, her voice filled with concern. "Do you remember if you have any loved ones waiting for you?" Zyon would merely shrug in response, his mind shrouded in a haze of amnesia. "I don't know. Everything's a blur." he would reply coldly, his voice devoid of warmth. Undeterred, Elena would press further, trying to piece together the puzzle. "What about your job, hobbies, or favourite things?" She asked, hoping to spark some recognition. 

Zyon could sense that Elena wouldn't relent easily, his observations of her interactions with her younger siblings hinting at her stubbornness. He decided to throw her a bone.

"Show me around town," he blurted out abruptly. Elena's eyes lit up at the unexpected request, her excitement evident in her voice. "Really?" she exclaimed, her face lighting up. "Sure," he responded evenly, his tone betraying a hint of apathy. A bright smile spread across Elena's face as Zyon agreed to the town tour. "Perfect!" she exclaimed, her excitement barely contained. "Give me a moment to change, and we'll be on our way." Zyon responded with a nonchalant, "Okay," his expression and tone betraying little enthusiasm.

Zyon sat in the living room, patiently waiting for Elena to finish getting ready. He had donned a pair of dark brown pants, a simple white long-sleeve shirt, and a dark green jacket to complete his outfit.

As Elena emerged from her room, Zyon looked up from his book, only to discover her wearing a matching white long-sleeve shirt and a dark green skirt. Elena exclaimed excitedly, "Oh my God, how cute! We're matching!" She beamed at him as she stepped into the room. 

Zyon couldn't help but roll his eyes at Elena's enthusiasm. He silently followed as she led the way, taking in the sights and sounds of the town. The old Victorian architecture blended seamlessly with modern touches, creating a unique and charming atmosphere.

He observed the interconnected buildings adorned with lush plants and twinkling string lights. Bright colours and lively chatter filled the air, and the presence of numerous narrow alleys hinted at secrets hidden within the town's labyrinthine layout. As they continued wandering through the town, Zyon couldn't help but secretly admire the hidden beauty of the place. The small, colorful stores and cafes lining the streets gave the town a cozy and inviting aura, despite the faint hint of despair lingering beneath the surface.

The idea of the town would look like ⬇

Elena pointed out her favourite cafes and parks as they walked, sharing anecdotes and stories associated with each location

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Elena pointed out her favourite cafes and parks as they walked, sharing anecdotes and stories associated with each location. Zyon listened intently but remained distant, his demeanour guarded and wary. 

To his surprise, Zyon found himself enjoying the tour more than he expected. Though he carefully maintained a neutral expression, refusing to admit it to anyone, subtle signs of enjoyment began to spill through. A quiet appreciation flickered in his eyes as Elena pointed out various landmarks and shared personal anecdotes about the town, slowly breaking down his defences. 

 As Elena hurried to pick up her younger siblings from school, Zyon was left waiting at the library. He had found a spot on the library steps, his gaze fixed on the town's central fountain.

As he sat there, an elderly woman came into view, struggling to make her way down the stairs. Zyon's initial eye-roll was quickly replaced by a polite smile as he stood up and approached her. His voice was gentle as he inquired, "Hello, miss. Do you need some assistance?" Zyon offered a reassuring smile to the elderly woman as he gently placed one hand on her back and the other on her arm, providing steady support down the stairs. As she reached level ground, he continued holding onto her until she was stable on her feet.

The woman thanked him warmly, and then inquired, "And what is your name, dear?" Zyon hesitated for a brief moment before responding with a fake smile, "Zyon. I mean, 'Chris." 

Zyon watched as the elderly woman continued on her way, then glanced up to find Elena standing before him with a look of genuine surprise on her face. She spoke up, her voice filled with sincerity, "You should really smile more. It suits your face better than whatever this is." Zyon raised an eyebrow at her remark, feeling a twinge of defensiveness. He responded with a cold tone, "What is that supposed to mean?" Elena tilted her head slightly to the side, studying his face for a moment, and explained, "You seem tense and closed-off most of the time. But when you were helping that lady just now, you had a smile on your face." Zyon shifted uncomfortably under her gaze, unable to deny the truth in her words. Still, he maintained his guarded demeanour and simply responded, "So?" 

Elena let out a sigh, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "I just think it would be nice to see a genuine smile on your face once in awhile. You can't go around being all grumpy all the time." Zyon grumbled at her comment, feeling even more defensive now. "Who said I was grumpy?" he retorted. Elena rolled her eyes at his response. "Oh, come on. You're constantly scowling and answering everyone with one or two word responses. If that's not grumpy then I don't know what is." 

Zyon grunted in annoyance, knowing deep down she had a point. But he refused to admit it out loud. "Well, maybe you're just too cheerful and optimistic all the time. It's annoying." Elena broke into a laugh, seemingly unfazed by his previous comment. "Oh my God, I never realized I was cheerful and optimistic!" she exclaimed sarcastically. "Wow, such original observations! I'm so impressed!"

Zyon found himself grinning without realising it, feeling a sense of amusement at her sarcasm. Without even noticing, a playful tone slipped into his voice as he responded, "And there it is! A new emotion I finally see other than happiness. Congrats, you've unlocked a new level of grumpiness."  Elena feigned shock and offense, putting a hand over her heart. "Oh no, not grumpiness! What will we ever do!?" she gasped exaggeratedly.

Zyon's smile widened at her reaction, enjoying the light-hearted banter. He played along, pretending to contemplate her question. "Hmm, it's a mystery. Perhaps we should call in the experts on grumpiness." 

Elena continued to laugh, her own smile widening as she studied Zyon's face. In her head, she thought to herself, "Finally, he smiled. I wish he could smile all the time. It's nice seeing him smile like that."

Zyon didn't notice the shift in Elena's expression, his own smile still present as he continued their playful banter. He found himself genuinely enjoying the exchange, feeling strangely at ease in her company.

Elena then spoke up, suggesting, "How about we head back home now?" Zyon nodded in agreement and joked, "Sure, let me go buy you some flowers as a congratulations for unlocking a new emotion." Elena raised an eyebrow at his comment, a playful smirk on her lips. "And whose money are you going to use?" she asked, already knowing the answer. Zyon grinned even wider, his earlier grumpiness momentarily forgotten as he responded cheekily, "Yours, of course."

Elena couldn't help but laugh at Zyon's response. But her laughter faded when she suddenly heard a sound she hadn't expected – Zyon laughing along with her. His laughter was unexpected but surprisingly genuine, and Elena found herself staring at him, completely caught off guard. It was as if a rare moment had occurred, a glimpse into a side of him that had been hidden until now. 

As they returned home, Zyon carried Ester and Emmit who had fallen asleep during the journey, while Elena held a few sprigs of lavender. Zyon gently placed the kids in their room, then watched as Elena carefully arranged the flowers in a jaru on the tabletop. After placing the flowers, Elena turned to Zyon and spoke softly, "Thanks for finally stepping out of your room. It was nice." Zyon chuckled light-heartedly and responded with a teasing remark, "Goodnight, grumpy." He then sauntered back into his own room, feeling a little less guarded than usual.

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