Suitman (Purple City):

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      I did not mean to react the way I did. As I escorted Secret Norsky to The Villains Corporation Headquarters!™, I told him I was sorry, and that this was my mistake. I freaked out because a superhero had seen The God, and superheroes are not allowed to see The God, and I realized that the superhero just broke into our organization, it was not intentional. I convinced The Villains Corporation Headquarters!™ guards to let him go, and Secret's father went to pick him up. We all asked why The God was so invested in him, and he had no idea.

       So, Secret's father had picked him up from The Villains Corporation Headquarters!™. He vowed not to make contact with me. Mr. Alberto Brutal had heard about the incident that happened, and it wasn't up to me to get him in trouble. I freaked out when the hero saw The God.

        The God is immortal anyway. He has the power to live long and powerful, to create more villains, and to never die, living young. To see the world for what it really is, well America, as he's banned from other parts of the world. He made a man, Mr. Alberto Brutal, one of the main villains, and very powerful, and wealthy head of The Villains Corporation Inc! ™

      I told a man named Alexander Dynamite about what had happened. He told me that there are break ins here, and that by accident heros have seen The God.

       "Yeah, but I got a boy into trouble for how I over reacted." I said as I was upgrading my suit. Christopher Benedict, the one who invented the suit, gave me a pat on the back.

        "If it makes you feel any better, I was questioned because I created you, for going against Mr. Alberto's permission before turning that boy in to The Villains Corporation Headquarters! ™"

       When I was done upgrading my suit, I had some new powers that I (with the help of Christopher) had connected it with. He gave me the power to turn into a fox who are relatively sneaky for when I wear the suit. Foxe's are always super sneaky anyway.

       The God and Mr. Alberto Brutal had heard of the new power. At first he seemed quite pissed for me going against his wishes (almost), but then he liked the idea of me turning into a fox. He agreed that foxe's are sneaky.

      "We may have been butting heads, but I've remained my cool, Suitman. Villains shall never fight villains, and I just realized that this is the case. The God had spoke to me. He's letting this slide. Heroes can start to see him. He invented a power that when a hero sees him, he won't die anymore." I raised an eyebrow, shocked. How is that even possible?

He could see me questioning that next. He said, he has no idea how or why. He can still live a long fulfilling life with no worry, and rising up from the dead, even if a hero can see him. Then The God told us how he did this, but we were to remain silent about it. He made the announcement through Purple City, amongst heroes and villains alike.

   "My name is The God, The God of the villains. The God who granted the wealth their powers. Heroes: you are now allowed to see me, I won't die by seeing the good! I can still rise from the dead, and live a long life. I won't tell you how I managed this though...." The God said proudly. Of course he wouldn't he's The God after all.

All the superheroes were left super confused. They thought it was weird seeing the person who created all sorts of evil, while they were in the lost of where they got their powers. Alison Gilded, a local newsreporter, had wrote about this (she has the writing of powerful writing and is a hero, hence this is a lower class job, and she works for a Soup Kitchen with Dragon Magical in Purple City for the Superhero Children of the Superhero Universe)

      "A superhero had broken into The Villains Corporation Inc! ™ We had now realized that hero, and the hero is named Marmalaide, whose been taunting a villain named Macey Penelope McRhymes. She was released from jail, The Villains Corporation Headquarters!™ The God, we've learned, has been banned from other countries, been banned from creating evil in their world, and he left all the power towards America....."

      We all saw The God read the paper, crumple it up, and threw the paper away. He said that
Alison Gilded is despicable, and shouldn't even be a writer. She should be poor, thrown to the dumps, the infinity of Hell. Since seeing The God more, we've got to learn about what a temper he has.

        "And this is WHY I want to be seen more, to see what false assumptions the superheroes have of me. You all are dismissed from my sight. Now shoo." He spoke to us like an animal, the one who created us, the people of all evils, the wealth.
Every now and then, The God made an announcement to Purple City:
"I am The God. No one should fight me, believe in me." The superheroes had fought him, as they laid sights on him. The superheroes did not really care if he was powerful or not, they just cared about fighting The God. We've heard the superheroes take in Purple City:
"He's disgraceful. Unfair how we do not know who gave us powers, but the villains do." A hero said, eating an apple, spitting it on the ground. A hero named Liter Police had yelled at them to pick it up (Liter Police has the power to pick up trash really fast, super lame power, and knows how to create anything out of Earth's elements which, I mean, is kind of cool).

    "Sorry, Liter Police." The heroes said, and I knew from then and there that heroes seeing The God was going to be interesting, to say the least.

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