Background story

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Leonard B.Jones, grew up in a military family alongside his sister Melanie and brother Ryan, where his parents both were high-ranking officers which instilled in him a strong sense of duty and discipline.

Leonard and his younger brother Ryan were inseparable, always playing soldiers together
dreaming of serving their country together.


At the age of Seventeen, his parents were killed in a terrorist attack while on a diplomatic mission ,the devastating loss left the three alone thrusting Leonard into the role of the caretaker and guardian .
Despite his own grief, he vowed to protect his siblings and uphold their parents legacy.


Leonard joined the military immediately after high school  with Ryan following in his footsteps ,while their little sister became a doctor and got married to her boyfriend from college. A few years later they were both exceptional soldiers, with a deep bond that guided them through the harsh realities of war. They made a promise to each other: no matter what happened, they would always have each other's backs.

The Jones brothers skills got noticed by a certain global organization, more like Leonard's,  they were both put in a harsh test unbeknownst to both of them. And next thing he knows, he was being recruited by the organization S.H.I.E.L.D for their elite program , his dedication and relentless pursuit of justice caught the eye of Nick Fury, who saw in Leonard both a valuable asset and a man in need of a purpose.

Melanie was so happy for him , saying that their parents would be so proud of him,
Ryan on the other hand was not taking the news as smoothly, ever since their S.H.I.E.L.D test he's been bitter and distance
Melanie said it's just a little jealousy and that he'll get over it soon but Leonard doubted it.

The night he was about to leave ,he paid Ryan a visit in hopes of settling things between them.

As Leonard stood outside Ryan's apartment door, he took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation ahead. He knocked firmly, and after a moment, Ryan opened the door with a guarded expression.

"What do you want, Leonard?" Ryan asked tersely.

Leonard stepped inside, his voice calm but determined. "I just wanted to talk"

Ryan crossed his arms, a defensive posture. "About what? Your big hero move with S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Leonard winced at the sarcasm. "It's not about that, Ryan. It's about us."

"Us?" Ryan scoffed. "There is no 'us' anymore, Leonard. Not since you decided you were too good for us."

"I did this for all of us. To make sure something like what happened to Mom and Dad never happens to anyone else."

Ryan's expression softened briefly before hardening again. "And what about Melanie? She lost them too, you know."

"I know," Leonard said quietly. "She understands why I had to do this."

"You don't get it, do you?" Ryan snapped, his frustration bubbling over. "You're leaving us, Leonard. You leaving me. And now you think you can just come here play the bigger person and everything will be okay?"

Leonard shook his head, his own frustration mounting. "I didn't leave you, Ryan. I'm still your brother."

Ryan's eyes narrowed.  "Well you're not the same person anymore."

The accusation stung, but Leonard refused to back down. "I'm still here, Ryan. I'm trying."

Ryan clenched his fists, stepping closer. "Trying? Is that what you call it? Trying to be some big shot while the rest of us pick up the pieces?"

Their voices echoed in the small apartment, each word a dagger in their strained relationship.

"You don't know what I've been through," Leonard said quietly, his voice breaking with emotion.

"And you don't know what I have to deal with," Ryan shot back, his anger palpable.

In a sudden surge of frustration and hurt, Ryan shoved Leonard back. Leonard stumbled but caught himself, his own anger rising.

"Is this what it's come to?" Leonard asked, his voice low. "Fighting each other instead of facing what happened?"

Ryan glared at him, his jaw clenched. "Maybe this is what we needed. Maybe you needed to remember what it's like to have family."

Leonard's chest tightened with regret and sadness. He turned away, unable to meet Ryan's gaze. "I'm sorry, Ryan. I didn't mean for it to be like this."

Ryan's voice softened slightly. "Yeah run away, that's what you're so good at"

With a heavy heart, Leonard left, the weight of their unresolved conflict heavy on his shoulders. He knew their argument would linger in his mind, a reminder of the fractured bond between brothers torn apart by tragedy and diverging paths.

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