Chapter 01

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(This is what he wears in missions but the pants are black)


"Yeah I'm doing great , just the same routine you left me in"

"Oh? is that your way of saying that you missed m-"

"That's not what I said"

"But that's what you meant"

"At least you and Ryan are not annoying me all the time" there was a short pause between the two, it made Melanie regret her choice of words, their little brother still being a sensitive topic, even after six years he refused to answer any of his calls other than the dry texts he rarely sends every now and then , telling him that he's fine but that gave Leonard a little bit of hope that his brother still cares about him; Melanie told him that he dropped off of the military a few months after he left.

Leonard sensing the uneasiness quickly changed the topic.

" is the husband? Had any problems with him?" He heard her scoff probably rolling her eyes at her older brother's over protectiveness.

"He has a name ,you know and no we don't have any problems" Leonard didn't like his sister's husband Kevin , not that he gave him a reason to, he was a good guy ,he just didn't like the idea of him possibly hurting her while he wasn't there although he knew Kevin would never do such thing but that didn't stop him from keeping a close eye on him and he was 100% certain that Ryan was doing the same thing.

" What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Any unfortunate souls"

"No ,not really "

"Oh yeah? What about-" he cut her off.

"Listen Mel, I'll call you later okay?"

"Dumb ass"

"Stupid bitch"

"Little sh-" he hung up with a small smile before she can finish her insults, he sat there enjoying the peace while it lasts, which wasn't too long as he heard footsteps approaching, then three knocks.

"We're nearing to the location, sir" he looked up at the agent nodding his head.

He stood up and followed him as they walked further in the helicopter ,he looked outside the window spotting the heliccarier they were targeting ,he shot a grappling hook at the closest edge making sure it's secured enough.

"I'll contact you as soon as we're done" the pilot and the agent nodded , the hook lifting him up to his target, he knew he wasn't gonna be alone but he also knew that inside is going to be more guarded than the outside.

He moved stealthily on the platform, his footsteps as silent as the night that suffocates them, he got closer to one of the guys he saw taking a smoke. and quickly knocked him out with a hard kick to the head then caught him before his body hit the ground and blow his cover.

"Dimitri, hörst du?" He heard heavy footsteps coming his way ,he took him out using his shock as an advantage.

Walking through the corridors of the heliccarier he planted small explosive devices in an abandoned section on the heliccarier, his earpiece beeped ,he found a safe hiding space then pressed on the device in his ear.

"Hale is in the lab ,take two rights then left ,be careful it's well guarded"
He looked around, to find the ventilation system.

"No problem" crawling through the ventilation ducts, Leonard could hear Hale's voice as he got closer to the lab ,he reached a grate above the lab noting the numerous guards holding the scientists at gun point , he then pressed the button of the controller causing an explosion successfully distracting them as some of the guards left to investigate. Then assessing the positions of Hale and the hostages preparing to strike, he dropped a small smoke pellet, filling the room with a thick , disoriented haze.

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