#1 In the Aftermath of Ink

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The ink on the marriage papers was still fresh, the signatures barely dry, yet Rohit and Ritika stood in a quiet corner of the farmhouse, their worlds having shifted dramatically in a matter of hours

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The ink on the marriage papers was still fresh, the signatures barely dry, yet Rohit and Ritika stood in a quiet corner of the farmhouse, their worlds having shifted dramatically in a matter of hours. It was surreal as if they were actors in a play, trapped between the scenes of an unexpected drama that had unfolded too quickly.

Rohit and Ritika sat on opposite sides of a quaint wooden table, their hands still tingling from the sudden rush of signing their marriage papers. The room was dimly lit by a single overhead light, casting long shadows that flickered as the two of them shifted nervously in their seats. Despite the peaceful surroundings, the earlier chaos was still fresh in their minds, and the weight of the day's events lingered heavily between them.

Rohit looked over at Ritika, who was sitting opposite him, her fingers nervously tracing patterns on the polished surface of the table, while her eyes fixed downward. Her expression mirrored Rohit's own confusion and uncertainty. Rohit let out a deep sigh, his gaze drifting away from Ritika and towards the window. The evening sky outside was a blend of deep oranges and purples, the last light of day slipping away as the night began to settle in. He stared at the horizon, watching as the colors slowly faded, a reflection of the confusion and gloominess he felt.

Ritika's fingers faltered mid-pattern as she sensed the heavy sigh escaping from Rohit. The sound seemed to cut through the quiet tension of the room, drawing her gaze up from the polished wooden table. Her eyes, which had been fixed downward, slowly lifted to look over at Rohit, who was peering out the window, his gaze distant and unfocused. His fingers fidgeted with the edge of the table as he struggled to gather his thoughts. And every now and then, he would glance back at her with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"Um, so... I guess we're officially married now," Ritika murmured, attempting to break the silence with a wry smile. Her voice was tinged with a mix of disbelief and amusement as if saying it aloud would somehow make the reality sink in deeper.

Rohit, sitting opposite her, tried to mask his unease with a nervous chuckle. His eyes darted between her and the surroundings of the room as if seeking a distraction from the moment's tension. "Yeah, and to think I was just planning to catch up on my Netflix shows this weekend. Guess I'll have to cancel those plans," he joked, trying to lighten the moment with a touch of humor.

The attempt at humor hung in the air for a brief moment, its effectiveness uncertain. Before he quickly added, "Unless you want to binge-watch 'Married at First Sight' together?" His voice trailed off as he realized the suggestion which was meant to be playful, came out more awkward than intended. He immediately backpedaled, his cheeks flushing slightly as he rushed to clarify, "I mean, not that we need tips or anything..."

Ritika's lips twitched as if she was on the verge of laughter but quickly suppressed it. The awkwardness in the room seemed to grow palpable, and Rohit's attempt to lighten the mood only seemed to deepen the awkwardness. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to collect his scattered thoughts.

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