Ch 66 | Breakfast

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Author's POV:

"Sit here," Jin smiles softly. "Let me get you something to drink."

"Make it alcoholic," you say shakily, leaning back into his couch. "Something strong."

"Coming right up," he laughs, moving into the kitchen.
Seokjin brought you to his family mansion. You asked him to take you somewhere no one would find you, which is exactly where he'd planned to take you anyways.

Jin's mother has cameras everywhere in this house and he knows she's watching like a hawk. He's so stressed out and worried about Namjoon but he needs to focus on his act right now.

"Here you go," Jin says warmly, handing you a mixed drink. You catch him off guard when you down the whole thing in one go.

"Another one please," you say breathlessly as you hand him the cup. "Make it a little stronger."

"Your wish is my command," he smiles. Your heart would probably be fluttering if the situation were different, but your cheeks do flush just slightly at how beautiful he is. You reach for the second cup but Jin pulls it back. "You have to drink this one slower," he says to you. "We can't have you puking everywhere."
"Yes, mom," you roll your eyes as he hands you the cocktail.

"Are you comfortable telling me what happened?" he asks softly, scooting himself closer.

"I don't even know," you glare down at your glass. "He dumped me over Jeffrey. I don't know if I believe it or not but it doesn't fucking matter anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"I smell something fishy but that actually makes it worse. Either way he doesn't trust me."

Jin looks at you and your tear stained face, feeling helpless and wanting to fix everything right now. Your gaze meets his and the two of you get lost in each other's eyes.

"Do you think I'm being dramatic?" you ask him without breaking eye contact.

"No, I don't," he answers immediately, setting his hand on your knee. "I love Namjoon. He will always be my brother. But the way he treats you makes me sick and you deserve better."

Your eyes almost pop out of your head as they flicker between his face and his hand. "That's really what you think?"

"It is," he nods. "I want to punch him in the throat right now. I hate seeing you cry."

Jin watches as your face flushes a light pink and your shoulders stiffen. He knows he has you flustered. Jin is no stranger to hitting on women. He knows exactly how to do it and what to say. The face you're showing him is the exact face he knew he'd get.

"Are you hitting on me right now?" you ask bluntly, catching him off guard. He is definitely not used to women being so forward.

It doesn't take long for Seokjin to collect himself before saying, "And what if I am?"

Your eyes desperately search his. "I would think it's suspicious."

He tries to remain calm but his shoulders stiffen just slightly. He's about to respond but his breath hitches when you lean closer to him, your lips just inches from his.

"But I don't really care right now," you say softly, staring into his eyes before they flicker down to his lips. "Jin, do you remember how you said you wanted to help me?"

His eyes are wide as he has a mini heart attack on the inside. You being this willing to take comfort in him was not in his plans. But he can't break character. He knows he's being watched. Even if this is about to break Namjoon's heart.

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