Then it all begins. The creation of humans in the view of Reality. A new race called Reality's mortals. Just like a normal human but with the will of an Eternal. Three humans were brought to this world, created from the very fabrics of reality, the sacred soil from Vher Atiral Vhirniel or the first place Reality stepped foot on, and Rien Elvxier vien Fjornnveil or The Elixir of Life. "Welcome, humans... I am Reality, your creator" After saying that, the humans of the Aerchvhjoan race, or the humans that were created by reality, opened their eyes and looked up at Reality before he vanished away. The humans looked at each other and greeted each other using a language called Zjhvone Riaevenn. They did not learn that language but have been given the ability to speak by Reality himself. All of them worked together to get resources, food, and also started a farm. They all started making communities, villages, and their own kingdom. Reality's conscious form has been absent for a long time to the point his own people have forgotten about him.
Then one dark night, at the entrance of the kingdom, 4 beings appeared with the aura of the Eternals. But they weren't Eternals, instead they were the 4 Grand Immortals of Reality. The Fire spirit who calls herself Ghviren, The Water Goddess who calls herself Frinlierm, The Earth Golem who calls himself Hjirvhiner, and The Wind Overlord who calls himself Glharle. "We are the immortals of Reality... And we come in peace" Frinlierm said to the humans with a powerful yet soothing voice. Ghirvien then stepped closer and spoke "The Immortal of Immortals are not here... sadly, but we are here to give you a message from The Immortal of Immortals: Reality had given us the purpose of living, that is to protect the humans of Reality". The 4 Grand Immortals then soared through the sky above the humans and then circled the kingdom, creating a barrier. The barrier is not to isolate the humans, but to protect them from any threat they might find.
"Reality... Where are you?
Your people are forgetting about youThey live happily but always
Feel something missing
They are close, Reality
Do not let your guard down"
The Tale of Aevhrien
Fantasy"Before nothingness, I was there Before life, I was there I am not alive nor am I dead Because I am The One Under Control But even if you eventually kill me I will always find my way To get out from that eternal prison"