Letter from Ominis

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The song choice for this chapter is "Memories" from Conan Gray.

The song choice for this chapter is "Memories" from Conan Gray

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I have refused to leave my room for days. Tippy, our house elf, delivers food to my door, but I rarely eat it. I don't know what has caused me to lose my appetite. Is it just lovesickness? I don't think so.

Honestly, it's how right my mother and father are. I let Sebastian manipulate me and have him tell me it's all for Anne when, in the end, he just wanted an excuse to wield dark magic like it was his right. At night, I wonder if he's worse than Salazar Slytherin. Our house founder was at least honest about his pursuits. Sebastian tried to hide it – and drag Ominis and me down with him. Let alone Anne.

Two weeks into the summer, I've regained some strength. I feed myself on anger; it's so much easier than being sad. I take walks every day, no matter the weather, to clear my head, and the more I do, the surer I am that Sebastian never cared about me. He might've cared about Anne, but a mean part of my brain tells me that sometimes it seemed like he was glad Anne was sick – so he could delve deeper and deeper into the darkness and make himself feel better about it.

My parents keep a stack of letters Natty and Poppy sent me, but I don't get to read them until my birthday comes in the first week of August. And even then, I see they've been opened, and I wonder if these are all of them or if my parents hid some from me that were incriminating.

My brother isn't coming home this summer. My parents have sent him to my grandmother, likely so he doesn't know what is happening. He's only ten, too young to understand, but I miss him dearly every day, as he'd at least bring me some joy in the darkest days.

Two days before Sebastian's trial is set, a letter from the Gaunts reaches me. The wax seal on the back of the letter is neat and shiny, dark green in Slytherin's colours, with my name written on the front. I hadn't expected Ominis to contact me, as we disagreed about approaching Sebastian's punishment.

Ominis is smart. He felt I might be punished for my involvement, or he had hands-on experience with being under one's parents' prying eye, but he made sure that his majestic family owl knocked on my window in the dead of night. I wake up from the sound of a beak against the glass. When I open the window, the owl flies in, sits on my windowsill, and holds up its foot, where Ominis' letter dangles.

I try to be careful when loosening the bow keeping it on the owl's claw and making sure not to hurt it. I'm nervous and fidgety, and by the time I get the letter in my hand, the owl bites me once in anger before settling itself on the backrest of my bed.

I sit down and stare at the letter. Ominis' writing, likely done by a quill held up by his wand, is neat, far off from the scribbled notes I used to receive from Sebastian. And then, because I'm too scared my parents might notice I'm awake and wonder why, I turn around the letter and open it up.

Dear Elara,

Please excuse me for not writing to you this summer. I couldn't find the words for what I felt, let alone what I could say to you that might help in any possible way.

I know Sebastian can be persuasive, and I shouldn't underestimate the consequences my decision to speak with Professor Black might have had for you. I didn't know who your mother was – why did you never tell us? I only found out when I received my letter asking me to stand as a witness in Sebastian's trial, as it mentioned your full name. I know it is not my place, but still, I wonder why you'd keep it a secret. Maybe if Sebastian had known, he would've been more careful around you.

While I know it was me who turned him in, I must admit I am wary that it was the right choice. Ever since Sebastian is awaiting trial in Azkaban, Anne is withering away. I barely recognise her anymore. She stopped to eat and speak, and all she did was sleep. I know she's somewhere safe, even though she asked me not to tell anyone, but she's alone and dying, I'm sure.

I knew it would happen, eventually, but the shift occurred suddenly. I don't understand why. I thought we had more time. She starts to forget what happened; she's written me multiple letters asking why Sebastian's gone and why Solomon won't come to get her. I try to visit her as often as possible, but my family has been strict with me since the letter for the trial arrived. I'm sure you can relate.

I know this is much to ask, and I wouldn't if I knew any other way, but could you meet me in the Leaky Cauldron before the trial? I've got a room there so I can stay in London overnight, so I'll be there when they announce their verdict for Sebastian.

I just wanted to tell you about an idea. It is just as bad as Sebastian's ideas usually are. But it might be the only way to buy us – Anne – time.

She needs him. Or else she'll die without ever seeing him again.

Please let me know if you can meet me. If you don't have your own, take my owl. She knows how to deliver your reply discreetly.

I am sorry for everything. I wish I had known.


I stare at the letter, unsure of what to think. I knew my secret would get out eventually, but arriving at Hogwarts as a fifth year was enough; I didn't need more attention just because my mother was the Minister for Magic. Everyone treated me differently as it was, and I didn't want it to get even worse, so I used my father's last name instead of my mother's. But officially, of course, the records know me as Elara Annabelle Hardice-Avery. I omitted the last word whenever someone asked me about it at school.

That Ominis is in contact with Anne is comforting, somehow, even though his words are not. Maybe the stress got to her eventually. I couldn't blame her. It did get to me, as well.

I wonder about Ominis' words. What could his idea be? What could he say to ensure Sebastian doesn't end up locked away? How does he think he'll set him free? It's close to impossible. He did kill someone. His wand will prove it. He was the one to cast the curse. They likely already know. Maybe, if he's lucky, he'll get less time – he was only sixteen when it happened, after all. Not an adult just yet. In the muggle world, that sometimes leads to a lesser punishment. But in this case? If they're cruel enough to send anyone to Azkaban, I doubt they'll make an exception for him. One thing that is sure of his disadvantage is knowing me. My mother will lead the trial. And she's not too fond of him; I fear either for getting me involved or breaking my heart.

For his plea to see me before the trial, I fear I won't have a chance. I'm stuck here.

Hence, I take my quill and scribble a note back, sadly giving him lousy news but letting him know how sorry I was about Anne. I know for Ominis, she's the only friend he has left.

Part 1: He Deserved It // Sebastian Sallow x MCWhere stories live. Discover now