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Season 3, Episode 6

"Dude, are you okay?" Buck said as he and Hen came out of the locker room, walking up to Rylin and Eddie. "That's a monster."

"Just roughhousing with my kid." Eddie told him, barely holding eye contact.

"Were you playing with hammers?" Buck asked.

"Nothing you need to be concerned with." Eddie replied.

"Welcome back, Firefighter Buckley." Chim said, as he and Bobby joined the group.

"Thanks, Chim. Glad to be back." Buck smiled.

"All right, now that we've got that out of the way, morning briefing." Bobby started before the bell started ringing.

"Buck, you're man behind today." Bobby told Buck as everyone loaded into the trucks.

Walking back into the station, Rylin smiled as she saw a bunch of kids going in and out, all dressed up for Halloween. She even complimented a kid dressed as Captain America.

"Oh, Rylin! You wanna help me with all this?" Buck asked as she started walking to the locker room.

As much as she wanted to help and greet the kids, she didn't want to do it with him. "Nah, you've got it." Rylin told him as she walked away.

"Let me guess, Buck asked you for help, too?" Rylin asked as she watched Eddie walk into the locker room.

"Sure did." Eddie replied.

"You know, I really don't get why he thinks it's so easy to forgive him." Rylin said. "He thinks that we should just all forget about the lawsuit and pretend like nothing happened. But it did happen and as much as it sucks, I don't know if I can forgive him."

Eddie sighed. "Yeah, I get that."

"It's just annoying that I can't even talk to him after what he did." Rylin groaned, rubbing her hands over her face.

Eddie went to say something, but the bell rang, making them move quickly out of the locker room.

"Rylie." Hen said as Rylin was about to walk downstairs. Rylin hummed in response as she turned around to look at Hen.

"What's up?" Rylin asked, sitting on the couch beside Hen.

"You've got to make up with Buck." Hen said.

"Okay, no. I'm not doing this." Rylin said, ready to leave. Hen was quick to grab her arm.

"Just talk to him." she said. "Work things out. Yes, you're mad that he used your sister's death as an excuse to call you a bad firefighter- which you're not, by the way, but it's over. He didn't go through with the lawsuit and you both still have your jobs."

Rylin sighed. "Still mad at him, though."

"Rylie." Hen said. "Being mad at him is easier than actually talking about what happened, and resolving the issue, I get it. But, just hear him out."

"I have heard him out." Rylin said. "Every time we talk, he just says that he's sorry for what happened."

"Is that not a good thing?" Hen asked.

"I-I don't know." Rylin groaned. "I just want my best friend back."

"So tell him that." Hen laughed. Rylin looked at Hen before sighing and dramatically getting off the couch.

Hen smiled at Rylin's stubbornness as she walked away, but was happy she was willing to try and fix things.

Walking down the stairs, she noticed Buck and Eddie hugging. Once she reached the bottom, the two men became aware of her presence.

Eddie patted Buck on his shoulder before giving a small smile to Rylin as he walked away. Buck stayed where he was as Rylin walked up to him.

Buck went to say something, but she stopped him by holding up her hand. "Let me go first."

Buck nodded as she went on. "I really want you to listen to me. 'Cause I've listened to you, and I get you just wanted your job back, but now I want you to understand why I am acting the way I am acting towards you."

"Rylin, I understand." Buck said.

"No. No you don't." she shook her head.

"I trusted you." she said. "I opened up to you about my sister's death a-and I don't do that with many people. So, how do you think I felt when your lawyer said that I am not good enough to be a firefighter because I haven't dealt with her death?"

"I never told him to say that. I-I never wanted him to say that." Buck said. "Rylin, I'm sorry. I never meant for you or anyone to get hurt."

"Look, I'm sure Eddie told you this already, but even though I'd like to punch you in the face right now, I'm forgiving you." she told him, a shocked expression washing over his face. "Because if I have to work with you, and be on the same team with you, I have to forgive you because that is how a team works."

Buck nodded as she went on, "Just please don't do it again."

"I won't." Buck told her. "I promise."

"I also would really like my best friend back." she said.

"Yeah." Buck nodded with a smile. "Me too."

Rylin laughed as she wrapped her arms around Buck's shoulders. She was glad Hen basically forced her to actually talk to him instead of yelling and pushing him away.


this is such a short a very poorly written chapter
im sorryyyy

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