Ancient Magic

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The song choice for this chapter is "I miss you, I'm sorry" by Gracie Abrams.

The song choice for this chapter is "I miss you, I'm sorry" by Gracie Abrams

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When we return home, my parents don't speak to me for a while. I didn't expect them to and I'm glad Ominis has given me enough potions to avoid them using any trick on me on getting the truth out. After three days, however, I have successfully convinced myself that Sebastian did, indeed, save our lives. Solomon could've killed us. What does it matter if he tried? The point is this fight had to end with one of us dead. Any of us. So, it wasn't far from the truth that Sebastian did, indeed, save my life. Even if it just happened hypothetically.

It's not that I forgive him for anything. But I believe Azkaban to be a fate worse than death. And if the ministry doesn't have the decency to kill him, I can't have them torture him for the rest of his life. He doesn't deserve that. I'm a hopeless romantic with a tendency to believe in second chances.

If my mother suspects foul play, she doesn't mention it. I feel her eyes on me day after day, at breakfast, at lunch, at dinner, but she never opens her mouth and puts me to the test. I wonder why. I expected more of a fight.

Sebastian's verdict was reached nearly in unison. With very few exceptions, they acquitted him. Ominis' plan worked. He counted on the ministry officials feeling for me; that they would imagine some reality in which Sebastian made a heroic gesture, if not romantic, to spare my life, to shield me from misery. And if Azkaban is their only way of punishment, I won't tell the truth. If I must, I'll take it to my grave.

Theodore is allowed home once the trial is over. He doesn't question it much. For him, this was a fun vacation at my grandmothers', where he gets smothered relentlessly because he was the grandchild to show normal powers and I was the one it took forever to even show any sign of magic. Enough reason for a family with the name "Avery" to despise me.

I didn't care. At least not when it came to Theodore. I judged my grandparents, of course, but it wasn't his fault. I've blamed him enough for things that weren't his fault and I'd refrain from ever doing it again.

'I heard you went to court this summer!' my little brother exclaims happily, once he'd hugged me for the first time in ages. 'That is so cool. I must know everything.'

'Maybe not,' Dad says and kisses Theodore on his forehead. 'You may just be a little too young.'

'Ugh, stop saying that. One more year and I'm off to Hogwarts! Then I'll be as cool as Ellie!'

How was I able to ever judge him for having powers I didn't? He loves me so much. Envies me, even. And I've been the worst sister anyone could've wished for.

'Yes, yes, of course,' Dad grins. 'And I'm glad your sister is there to take care of you your first year. Otherwise, I fear you'll be a heathen.'

It's the first compliment I've heard from my parents in weeks. It goes down like honey.

Part 1: He Deserved It // Sebastian Sallow x MCWhere stories live. Discover now