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As always, I take suggestions

"Rengoku, I have a problem!" Tengin said as he ran up to Rengoku. "What is the problem, Tengin? I promise I will help you!" Rengoku said loudly.

"IT'S very unflamboyent, and you need to promise me that you will not tell anyone." Tengin said. "Don't worry, my lips are sealed." "I have a fear of something." Tengin said, embarrassed.

"Ah well, what are you afraid of! I can't help you if I don't know!" Tengin looked around to be sure that obanai wasn't around. "Snakes"

Rengoku laughs a bit "Whats so funny!" Tengin yelled, and Rengoku pointed to Tengins shoulder. Ware kaburamaru was lying down at listening to the hole thing.

Tengin screamed like a little girl and flung kaburamaru of his shoulder.

Obanai walked in, confused.

"What's with the yelling?" Obanai asked as he walked up to kaburamaru and put him on his shoulder. "Oh, it's nothing, kaburamaru, just Startled Tengin, that's all!" Rengoku said as Obanai patted the snakes head and the snake wispard something into obanai's ear. "Ya, it was so not flashy." Tengin said dramatically.

Suddenly, obanai burst out into laughter.  "Tengin, you have a fear of snakes!" Obanai said, laughing his head of. "What! No, I don't. Ware you get that idea from!" Tengin said, acting clueless .

"Kaburamaru said he head you say that to kyojuro!" Obanai said, still laughing. "Dang it! Stupid snake! You're never gonna let me live this down, hugh."
Obanai suddenly stopped laughing and looked Tengin dead in the eye and said, "No." "Fuck!" Tengin said as rengoku started laughing.

obanai haremWhere stories live. Discover now