chapter 13

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Narrator's pov

Jan woke up the next morning and her head was hurting a little. She felt the bed for dy but she wasn't there. She started to get a little sad but she looked on her nightstand and she saw Tylenol and a glass of water with a note on the side. She grinned a little and picked up the note.

I figured that you will need this for your head because you got a little tipsy last night. And your legs probably are weak too so those will work also. I'm probably in the kitchen if you are reading this and smell something. I'll see u when u get up.


Jan smiled and got out the bed and went to the bathroom to do her skin care routine. After she was done she went downstairs but stopped at a few steps up because she heard dy and Tay talking.

Tay: you and Jan have been a lot closer than yall was. I mean yall was already close but yall close now but on a different level. What's going on with yall? Yall becoming a thing?

Dy: I mean we haven't put a label on it yet. Hell we haven't even discussed our little situation right now. But what she doesn't know that the like that I have for her had grown a lot. I have noticed every little thing she likes and what she doesn't like.

Tay: oh you have? Then tell me. I'm testing u.

Dy: okay bet. She likes gummy worms, Jordan 4s and it doesn't matter what color it is, vancleef bracelets, seafood, when her love one does little things for her like fill up her truck or restock her refrigerator, and she likes teddy bears and ice coffee. She likes to do her wigs every week by herself because she doesn't trust nobody with her hair. She doesn't like when she's being blind sided, she doesn't like her bath water too hot because her skin is sensitive, she hates avocado bread and scramble eggs. She hates riding in the car with somebody she doesn't know because she gets car sick. She like her house being dirty as u can see. She hates when somebody else try to tell her what to feel. But she loves going on vacation. She wishes that she could go to Germany. She loves the ocean bc that's the only place that could calm her down. She loves watching the night sky because she feels peace and at ease at everything. I could name a lot more if you want me too.

Tay: no no that's enough. I see that you do pay attention to her. Do you love her.

Dy: ye- yea I do love her. She makes my life so much easier. She makes me feel like I can be on the top of the world. Her smile brighten up my day. And she takes my breath away everytime I see her. She like an angel and I will never change her for the world. I just wish that she'll know that but I'll never tell her. I'll probably Will a few years from now. Lol

Tay: wow. Your really in love twin.

Dy: yea I am. Anyway, let's get back to this food.

Tay: oh yea.

Atp Jan was silently crying happy tears. This was the first that somebody had felt like this towards her or even payed attention to her like this before. Jazz had already joined them in the kitchen. But janae and crystal was walking down the stairs when they saw Jan in the middle crying. But she told them to be quiet and go to her room to talk to them. They all went to Jan room and Jan cleaned her face.

Janae: girl are u okay? Why were u crying?

Jan told them what dy had said about her and they was so shocked.

Crys: so she loves you?

Jan: yea

Janae: well do u love her back?

Jan: yea i do.

Crys: well you need to tell her that.

Jan: wait, now?

Both girls: yes!!

Jan: okay okay I will. Let's go down there.

All three of them went down stairs and breakfast was already done so they went to the table to eat. They said grace and dived right in. But jan was zoned out a little.

Dy: *whispers* you okay?

Jan: yea. But can I talk to you when your done eating?

Dy: *nervous* o- okay

Jan: good.  Meet me in my room.

Jan got up because she was already done.  She told everybody she'll be in her room. They said okay except dy. Janae and crystal was smirking because they already knew what was going on. After a while, everybody was done with breakfast and they agreed that they was going to go to the mall together. Everyone went to their rooms and dy was going up the stairs damn why am I so nervous? Dy thought as she reached Jan door. She knocked and Jan let out a little come in and dy went in. She saw that Jan was sitting on her bed with tears in her eyes.

Dy: Jan what's wrong?

Jan: you! You are what's wrong with me!

Dy:*nervous yet confused* what? What did I do?

Jan:*silent staring at dy in her eyes*

Dy: bab- I mean Jan please tell me what's wrong? What did I do? *sitting next to her*

Jan: I heard what you said In the kitchen.

Dy: oh- look if you don't love me back then it's o-

Jan: dy look at me.

Dy: * looks at Jan In her eyes with tears in her eyes*

Jan: you are perfact to me. You make me feel safe. I love everything about you. You are my everything. Baby I love you too.

Dy:*tears running down her face*

Jan:*hugs dy tightly*

Dy: I love you mamas.

Jan: I love you more dybear.


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