Chapter 17: Taste of More pt.1

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    APORIA was laced through and through with tension as she sat on one of her dining room chairs. The loft was a full open space besides the walls dividing the kitchen from dining area, and living room from the study. Equivalent to the entire size of an opened small factory floor. High arched ceilings and old brick walls that would make doing this ritual a lot easier. It was also thankfully abandoned, besides her small security team in an apartment below on ground level. Being in a less populated area with most abandoned buildings around, no one bothered her. No one, knew this one was fully furnished and had security monitoring it as well as magical wards. How Flor knew its location and got in undetected, Aporia would have to ask.

    Aporia didn’t come here often. It was more like a storage living space of all the things she had collected over the years. She came here when she needed to do her deep thinking.

    They chose to set up in her dining room. It was at the other end of where her and Lilah had sex up against her living room window earlier. The black double wide front doors she never used were just in front across from where she sat. Her and Lilah had moved her heavy dining room table from its vertical angle to horizontal, up against the windows. She could’ve done it herself but Aporia sensed Lilah wanted to help.

    Behind them was the kitchen area and they all agreed no to there. Also no to her upstairs bedroom that a small stair case by the living room windows lead up too, it covered the kitchen area with lower ceilings. This was the best spot. Lilah also generously moved Aporia’s more ancient things to another room magically without Aporia asking. Lilah knew her and she recognized a few trinkets from their days together. Knew she valued her belongings.

    Soon they all stood around Aporia. Lilah in front of her. The women to her left. The space was more empty with the table, the chairs, other items moved and it was quiet. Too quiet, once Lilah moved behind Aporia. She had been seemingly focused on her task of manifesting the right rope to bind Aporia with, the moment she sat down in the lone chair; facing true north, per Lilah’s suggestion. It reminded her of better days with her. Of them; exploring each other in ways only lovers of old had done.

    Tensions were just as high between Flor and June. They kept a good distance apart, each pacing the wooden floors, but Aporia could see how they looked at each other. The hunger and want inching them closer beyond their control. They’d brush shoulders and each would shake and retreat. A Binary Bond in its beginning was near impossible to resist. Safe to say, Aporia was impressed by both of them, for the restraint. Aporia didn’t think Flor had it in her. Now, Aporia knew she hadn’t known Flor as well as she had thought. It saddened her some, yet she hadn’t opened up completely either. They’d need to talk eventually and see where things stood.

    As of right now, with Lilah binding her wrists behind her with her careful touch; it wasn’t the right time at all. Lilah’s technique was flawless in that if Aporia struggled it would tighten the black rope, but not so hard it’d cut circulation or break her skin.

    When she was done, she strolled around facing Aporia with serious eyes, her brows drawn in. She was still such an enigma to Aporia. Beautiful and deadly like a panther in human skin waiting to strike.

    “I’ll ask you again; Aporia of Endless Night….do you wish to continue this?”

    Hearing her name from Lilah’s lips, reminded her of what she lost, and while there were conflicting emotions surrounding Lin; the truth was she had already mourned him centuries ago. Cold hearted though it seemed. Aporia had no like for vampires. And if Lin was the first, he had done a number of horrors upon humanity and others. He was no longer the man she had married and loved. No, it wasn’t his fault, but the Diadem was hers, and Aporia couldn’t get their son back. This was the next best thing. It was a living breathing extension of her. She was born with it, in her part of the universe. Before she had a form, its liquid gold was where she resided. Many knew not which came first. Them or their Diadem’s. Aporia liked to think the Diadem was much older from some other Source in another galaxy. Who knew? She only knew she wanted it back; so she could be whole again. Or as whole as she could be without her son.

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