Insta - Frank

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which one of you assholes did this?

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which one of you assholes did this?




@SiriuslyJames that's just the entry fee

@frankie.longbottom so you're the asshole?

@SiriuslyJames originally it was Fred's idea

@frankie.longbottom okay that's fine

@mandi.z why is the entry fee my sobriety?!

@freddie2.0 what else would it be?

@mandi.z idk maybe money

@SiriuslyJames we don't need money

@emzabini what if I wanna come to the party but I don't  wanna drink

@freddie2.0 then you don't deserve to come to the party

@blondebitch I thought they were mad at each other?!

@AliLongbottom/Potter they planned it in advance so they set up the whole thing without talking to each other

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