Ch7: Arrival

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As the evening descended, Rai Kan found a suitable spot on the outskirts of the forest to rest. He set down his large box of supplies and gathered some dry wood, expertly igniting a fire with a flick of his wrist. The flames danced and crackled, casting a warm glow against the darkening sky.

Sitting cross-legged beside the fire, Rai Kan closed his eyes and began his meditation. It was his nightly ritual, a time to center himself and maintain control over the primal urges that lurked within him. Despite the tranquility of the forest behind, he knew the dangers of letting his guard down.

As he focused his mind, the sounds of the forest around him faded into the background. His breathing slowed, becoming steady and rhythmic. The flickering flames of the fire danced behind his closed eyelids, casting shadows that seemed to move with the shifting winds.

Hours passed in silent contemplation, the night enveloping Rai Kan in its cool embrace. But he remained vigilant, his senses sharp and attuned to any hint of danger.

The next day:-

As the first light of dawn began to break across the horizon, Rai Kan emerged from his meditation refreshed and alert. He extinguished the dying embers of the fire and hoisted his box of supplies onto his back once more. With a sense of purpose, he set off towards the village, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Rai Kan sat beside the dying embers of his fire, the book given to him by the gods cradled in his hands. He flipped through its pages, absorbing the knowledge contained within with a quiet intensity. His sharp eyes scanned the text, pausing on the section detailing the scaly beast he had encountered in the forest.

As he read, his mind drifted to the upcoming journey to the village beyond the forest one of the Outer City. He had readed tales of its precarious existence, held back from development by the relentless waves that swept through the land.

Closing the book, Rai Kan rose to his full height, his imposing figure silhouetted against the dim light of dawn. With purpose in his stride, he set off towards the Outer city .


Upon reaching the Outer City, Rai Kan's keen senses immediately detected something amiss. The air was heavy with the scent of destruction, and the once bustling village lay in ruins. Buildings were reduced to rubble, and the streets were deserted save for one lone figure at the entrance, a man with a cart laden with supplies.

Approaching the man, Rai Kan's voice was calm but tinged with concern. "What happened here?"

The man looked up, exhaustion evident in his eyes. "A beast wave," he replied, his voice heavy with sorrow. "A two-headed bear tore through the village, leaving nothing but devastation in its wake."

Rai Kan's jaw tightened with resolve. "I see. Where is this beast now?"

The man gestured towards the direction of the forest. "It retreated back into the depths of the forest, but it won't stay there for long. It'll strike again, and more villages will suffer."

Rai Kan nodded, his mind already formulating a plan. "I will hunt this beast," he declared, his voice unwavering. "It's time to put my skills to the test."

The man's eyes widened in surprise. "You? Alone?"

Rai Kan simply nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I have faced many challenges in the forest. This will be no different."

With a nod of gratitude, the man stepped aside, allowing Rai Kan to pass. As he disappeared  , his determination burned bright. The two-headed bear may have brought devastation to the Outer City, but Rai Kan was ready to face it head-on, his martial prowess and unwavering resolve his greatest weapons against the beasts of the murim world.

Rai Kan followed the tracks of the twin-headed bear with silent determination, his senses attuned to every movement around him. As he reached a burrow some distance from the village, he paused to survey the surroundings, his muscles coiled and ready for action.

Suddenly, the ground trembled beneath him as the massive bear lunged out from its hiding place, roaring furiously with both mouths. Rai Kan's reflexes kicked in, and he dodged to the side just in time to avoid the creature's deadly claws.

The battle that ensued was brutal and bloody, each blow exchanged with lethal precision. Rai Kan's claws tore through the bear's thick fur, drawing crimson lines across its flesh. The bear retaliated with savage strength, its acid-laden spit sizzling as it struck the ground beside Rai Kan.

For two hours, they fought tooth and claw, the forest echoing with the sounds of their primal struggle. Rai Kan's body bore the marks of the battle, but his resolve remained unbroken. With a final, decisive strike, he brought the bear to its knees, its lifeblood pooling beneath its massive form.

With a grunt of effort, Rai Kan hoisted the bear's corpse onto his shoulders, its weight a testament to the strength of his victory. He began the journey back to the village, determination burning bright in his eyes.


Back at the village, the man's eyes widened in shock as Rai Kan approached, the twin-headed bear's corpse slung over his shoulder. The sight was enough to make the man stagger back in disbelief, his face drained of color as he stumbled and fell to the ground.

Rai Kan approached the man calmly, shaking him gently to rouse him from his stupor. "Wake up," he said firmly, his voice cutting through the man's daze. "I need your help."

The man blinked rapidly, trying to process the scene before him. "What... what happened?"

Rai Kan gestured to the bear's corpse. "I killed it," he stated simply, his gaze steady. "Now, I need you to help me dismantle the bear  and give me a ride to  wherever you are going."

The man nodded numbly, still trying to come to terms with the reality of the situation. With Rai Kan's guidance, they set to work dismantling what remained of the bear, the man's hands shaking as he worked.

As they finished their task, Rai Kan turned to the man, his expression unreadable. "Thank you," he said simply, his voice carrying the weight of their shared experience. "Now, let's go."


contents of Rai kan box:-

1 Horns(6) and some meat (from the bronze horned bull's.)

2 some temporary  Dismantling tools(collected from the destroyed village.)

3 Scale(Just a huge slip that is 2ft in length and 1ft in width)(from the monster encountered in the forest )

4 Bear fur and some bones(From the twin headed bear.)

5 The book given to him by the gods.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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