Chapter 2 - Angela

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Van Pelt POV
Jane and Lisbon had just returned to headquarters when Lisbon disappeared in her office. Jane, of course, went back to his couch and closed his eyes. I took another deep breath and gathered all my courage. I went to Lisbon's office and knocked carefully.

„Come in," said Lisbon without looking up from the paperwork.

„Do you have a trace?" I asked.

„Not directly yet. The names you have given us are currently our only points of contact."

„I just wanted to let you know that Angela Sterling is downstairs in the lobby and will be taken straight to the interrogation room."

„All right, I'll be there right away"

I stepped closer to her desk and sat down in front of it. Now she lifted her head.

„Boss, I wanted to ask you if I could interrogate Angela Sterling!? I've watched you many times and I think I'm ready for it."

„Ehh, well, sure I guess. But keep in mind that she is only there for questioning and not as a suspect"

„Sure. Thanks, boss" I said with a wide smile. I left her office again and took a few notes in advance for the interview.


Lisbon POV
„Does your father have any enemies?" Van Pelt started the questioning.

„Not that I know. He had many friends. Everyone liked him immediately." she tried not to cry but failed. She quickly catches herself again.

While Van Pelt continued to ask a few questions, Jane and I observed the situation through the mirror. Once I looked over at Jane and saw him staring at Angela.

„Are you okay?"

„Yeah, just a few memories coming back"

„Wanna talk about it?"

„It's just that they look so similar. Her red-brown curly hair, her watery blue eyes, and ... her voice. I missed that voice a lot"

I've never heard Jane talk so openly about his feelings and thoughts.

I nudged his arm while I said:
„It will get easier, I believe in that for you."

After Van Pelt finished the questioning, she walked out of the room. I looked at Jane one last time and then followed her. I saw that Jane watched Angela for a while until she was brought out of the room. He followed her out.

„Leave your notes on my desk later, " I said to Van Pelt

Then I went to my office. I saw through the glass that Jane took his chance to talk to Angela and I listened through the opened door.

„I'm sorry about your father"

„Thank you" she smiled.

„Oh sorry, Patrick Jane. I'm the consultant of the team" he offered her his hand „If you have any questions you can always contact me. I'm here most of the time"

„Thanks, I'll probably do that" She smiled at him and then was led out by an officer who was already waiting. I watched Jane a little longer until he went to his couch a took a nap. Then I did my paperwork.


Jane wasn't paying attention. You can immediately tell that the team isn't making any progress. The investigation is not making any progress. After two days, not much else happened. We have identified a few motifs. For example, his ex-wife was just deleted from the testament and now his daughter is the sole heir. Then we have Gabriel Benett. He never became very successful as a writer and was always jealous of Maxwell Sterling. He also needed money and often borrowed some from Sterling. This may have led to an argument and because Benett couldn't pay the money back, he simply murdered Sterling. Of course, that's very daring, but it's a start, even if it took a long time.

Jane POV
I was just lying on my couch, my arms crossed in front of my chest and my eyes closed when I tried to think about the case. But soon I noticed how my thoughts stuck to her. When I'm with her, I feel like I used to be in my happy time before this thing happened. I feel a smile appearing on my lips. I got up without thinking further and went to Van Pelt's desk.

„Hey, Van Pelt"

„Hey, Jane."

„Uhm could you do something for me? Something private?"

She thought a little and then said:
„As long as Lisbon doesn't know anything"

„Ehm, yeah, ... all right, " I said. She shouldn't know that I hope she doesn't find out Anything.

„All right, what do you want?"

„I need a phone number" I looked down while I said this „Angela's phone number"

She looked at me with understanding eyes.

„Yeah, sure. I'll write it down for you" She smiled at me.


I got the number from Van Pelt a few hours ago. It had become dark by now and everyone had already driven home. Except Lisbon, of course. She sat in her office and worked on her large pile of paperwork.

I stared at this note not knowing what I should do now. I quickly hid the note in my jacket when Lisbon suddenly came in.

„Hey, Jane" Lisbon came closer „I'm going home now"

She was about to turn around but soon stopped again, walked towards my couch, and knelt down.

„Jane, you all right?" she looked directly into my eyes.

„Yeah, I'm all right Lisbon, thank you"

„Jane, ... I can see you're not. I see that you struggle with something." After a little pause she said: „I'm not just your boss ... I'm your friend too and I'm there for you if you wanna talk" she smiled. That cute smile was like that when I gave her the pony.

After I hadn't said anything else, she got up and was about to leave. She had only taken a few steps when I said:

„I don't wanna talk but I could distract myself a bit" I sat down „Red John is in my head all the time and- and just doesn't want to leave again"

„Oh, Jane" she came closer again „Red John is dead. He can never hurt anyone again and that's only thanks to you."

I haven't told her yet that Red John is still alive. I didn't want to make her insecure. In addition, she would have freaked out if she had learned that I shot an innocent man. Well, he wasn't that innocent either, but it comes down to the same thing.

„Wanna come to my place? We could have a drink and, I don't know, play a game maybe!?" Lisbon said.

It's nice of her how she tries to cheer me up. So I agreed and we drove together to Lisbon's place.


This chapter is also a bit short. The next one will be longer I promise.

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