Chapter two

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          Dedicated to Victoria
     The most intriguing complexity in human form 😊😊

Later that day

The class was quiet,with the teacher droning on about dimensions and so on,I had little interest in what she was teaching and I bet 93percent of my classmates felt the same,everywhere was quite except for the occasional giggles and whispers,for the teacher Mrs Maggie was strict.

I found myself memorising the lyrics of klin Franklin's "I no that I can make it",my gaze was drawn to the girl seated two rows ,she sat adjacent to the window and her brownish hair was  glistening in the sunlight, I kept staring at her and soon I was lost in thought that I didn't know when the teacher Mrs Maggie asked me a question, until the class erupted in Snickers,I turned only to find out that half of the class was staring at me..

"Chris I asked a question",said the teacher

"Sorry could you please re-ask it",I said innocently quite unsure if I was asking a question or making a sentence.

Instantly she frowned and I regreted asking that question,"out, to the window"said Maggie,that was her punishment making the person stand for some time backing the class before asking the culprit a question which served as a coupon to enable them go back to their seat.

"But ma",I started to say

"No buts, hurry up",I walked to the window,as I faced the window,there and then the man at the cafe was sitting at the fountain  with something like a mini handbill which said"CHRIS HELP".

Meanwhile at the kingdom of wuxi
    [Dense music playing]
A crowded place, actually a square in the kingdom of Wuxi,people are  seen buying and selling and clearly one would miss his or her way very fast,all of a sudden people started pushing at each other trying to stay at the side as huge guards with thick muscles cleared the way for some  People carrying a man in a palanquin.

"Clear the way ,clear the way",said the short man who escorted the convoy, dressed in white and golden robes,he stopped talking and made a signal with his hand and suddenly one of the huge men brought and opened the huge metal chest he was holding,they took the people's money forcefully despite their protest.

"You all know of how merciful and gracious the king is,so don't hold back in paying your taxes...

"You're robbing us",said an old man interrupting,"you tax us 30 percent instead of ten,and still come twice a month",the man added,and an uproar was beginning to rise.

And on sensing it,the short man walked closer to him and made a whistling sound and  two guards came and started hitting him,till he fell on the floor and started bleeding the people begged them to show mercy before they left him,"now am being merciful for the sake of our  king", any other perceived act of rebelliousness to the king wouldn't be handled slightly,now your taxes",he shouted.

The people dropped their taxes out of fear and this pleased the man,a  hooded person watched from afar cowards she thought, I'll get revenge on the king for my father,and my people......

Back in Docktown

Chris sat on the chair offered to him by the teacher,it looked like what one would call á tete á tete between him and the teacher.

"Look Chris",she was saying,"you're performance has been declining lately and we are concerned about your future",she added.
"Is there something happening that you want to talk about",she added.

"No ma'am",I answered.

"Feel free,am a mother too and am really a great listener".

On second thought I just decided to open up"lately I've been having this strange dreams,hearing voices from animals,and I've also been seeing weird people around me,in the class when you asked me to face the window,there on the fountain",he stretched out his hand to make his point"a man called out to me,like I feel am going crazy".

Mrs Maggie just  sat there looking confused and after sometime she said,"talking animals,you really need to see a counselor or a stress management consultant".

"No ma'am",am perfectly okay.

"I will arrange a meeting with one for you,I promise",she said as if she didn't her me speak.
I walked out of the office with the teacher's voice playing in my head,no one believes me,no one,I sat on the spectator's seat,a block moulded up around the pitch.

"Hi,said a female voice behind me.

I looked up to see Victoria,I was startled, it's either she came after me or she was here aready but either ways I was too lost in my thoughts that I didn't observe any,"hi,how you doing",I asked carefully selecting my words not to make a mistake.

"it's way past school periods,why are you still here", I asked trying to start up a conversation with her,she seems like the type that talked less.

"Nothing,just putting my self together",she replied.

"At the class,it seemed like you went black out",she said and giggled,I felt like telling her that it was because I was day dreaming about her.

"Don't know what to say,just felt abnormal",I said.

"Having a bad day I guess".

"Yeah,so how the arts prep coming up,huge short I guess,you guys are really lucky",I said.

We talked,and talked, and talked everything fell good,I couldn't believe I was actually taking with Vic,dudes were dying for this opportunity,guess am a lucky guy,we sat there,just us.
   [Moments later]
"We should start going",she said,and then I remembered I had to run an errand for ma.

"Right",I stood up took my bag and we walked out together.

My cellphone rang,I picked up the call and nobody spoke,"hello", I said and after receiving no respond I cut the call feeling happy,maybe it's bill's mum,so I walked on most times it broke into a run,I just felt something was building between me and Victoria and it made me happy.

I got home a sweet smelling aroma filled the air,I found grandma in the kitchen,"good evening ma",I said.

"How was class today? she asked.

"Great",I said smiling.

"I see,it been a long time since you've been this way,who's the lucky girl",she asked.

I held opened the cupboard's door and pause before replying,"just a random school girl",I said.

"But your reaction shows it's not just any random school girl",ma said,"you know your dad felt the same way too".

I stopped what I was doing and wiped my hands on the hand towel faced my mum and asked,"ma what was dad like?the only vivid memory of my dad left with me was the Woody modelled toy he left with a note.

Smiling she said," he was strong,bold and loved adventures just like you do....about your age or so he started saying strange stuffs like animal talking and a kingdom...",tears as gathered her eyes I tried to cheer her up.

"Guess what I bought ma,a ketchup",I said forcing a smile.

Meanwhile unknown to them that they where being monitored by something"are you sure he's the right one",asked a muffled voice to his unseen partner.

"Khan can't lie", replied the other
After making sure that he had cleared the dishes, arranged the couch which served as his bed,he went outside to seat on the huge rocking chair that probably belonged to grandpa and stared at the sky everywhere was quiet and peaceful... The rattling sound at the fence drew his attention, something was there but the flowers didn't let him see through so he stood up picked the baseball bat and went closer,thesound stopped,then started again.

"Who's there?i called out when I got close enough.
[No answer]

Moving closer I grabbed the plant but there was nothing there,must be a stray rabbit I thought,only turning to face a huge towering creature,"hi",said the creature in a hoarse voice,I tried screaming but my voice didn't come out,then...........

Hi guys,brace up for a more Trilling Chapter coming up.

I know I can't wait too,please share if you find the story interesting and please remember your vote counts...
Thanks 😊😊😊😊

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