Houston, we have a problem

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Jiang Fengmian couldn't tell you what came over him. Just hearing the way Jin Guangshan had spoken about his wife... it...it was obscene !

He couldn't believe the words coming out of his fellow sect leader's mouth.

In fact nobody in the room could quite believe that Jin Guangshan was genuinely this depraved. (It was partially why nobody was stopping the Jiang sect leader from beating his ass.)

They all knew the man was a lecher, but so far he'd been content (or, so they had thought at least) to bed ladies of the night.

But he'd graduated from ladies of the night to young boys?!

And not just young boys, but using them as a replacement for their mothers?!

He'd started with the Jiangs, sure, but if he was bold enough to go after a fellow big sect, then what had he done to the minor sects that they had no knowledge of?!

(Lan Qiren made a mental note to discreetly check up on the ladies in Lanling Jin's sphere. Most of them weren't even close to being as fierce as the Violet Spider. Her temperament and strength had kept her safe from him, physically at least... her son had not been so lucky... what about others with less power?) Surely he couldn't have started off with the Jiangs. He had to have started small and gotten bolder as time went by to graduate to a big sect.

Unless he really was just that attracted to the Violet Spider. She was stronger than him so he couldn't exactly go after her himself, especially when he had little opportunity to do so, but her son was in reach and looked very much like her. In fact hadn't he said he'd just pretended the boy was his mother?!

Jiang Fengmian had briefed them all on what happened to his son. So they remembered that the intruder had rubbed up against Jiang Wanyin's chest and claimed it was too hard!

This fit with what Jin Guangshan had said. It seemed it really was Jin Guangshan's doing after all.

While Wen Ruohan enjoyed the drama, he couldn't let Jin Guangshan die here (unfortunately), so he sent a message for someone to bring Wen Qing back so she could patch him up.

He was about to tell Jiang Fengmian that that was enough, that he could take Jin Guangshan back to Lotus Pier and continue his punishment there as they agreed.

But before he could stop Jiang Fengmian's onslaught, a purple whip materialised and wrapped around him, pulling him off of Jin Guangshan.

"M..my Lady?!" he said, eyes wide. When had his wife arrived?

"That's enough. As satisfying as it is to see him get his comeuppance, we do need to make arrangements to get back to Lotus Pier with him in custody."

Jiang Fengmian frowned. After hearing Jin Guangshan talk he actually didn't want to bring him into his home, even if it was for punishment. He felt like it would sully the environment. Jin Guangshan was too dirty.

But his wife clearly wanted her revenge too and well, she deserved to have it.

"Fine, but he is going to be blindfolded too! His gaze is not allowed to fall on my family again!"

He left it to Wen Ruohan to truss up Jin Guangshan like a chicken waiting to be put into an oven.

Madam Jin would personally escort him to Lotus Pier on her sword.

Normally they wouldn't trust a Jin cultivator with this but Madam Jin was embarrassed enough by this man and she also wanted to vent her rage upon him for his actions.

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