Chapter fourteen

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"Bianca.. what did you see?" Jett asked.

Bianca wanted to ask herself that question, she had a lot to process; Did what she see here even happen? The masked guy knows magic now? Why is he taking kids and sending threats anyways? Whoever it was, he was sick. Nothing made sense. Also, how did Jett know she was seeing things?

"I- I saw what happened here.. or what, I think did at least. listen, how do you know about.. my episodes, or whatever you want to call them."

"Because I had one, once. I could recognize what was happening, you were just standing there, the pupils in your eyes were smaller than any.. humans should be. It's easy to tell once you know what it is." Jett replied.

Bianca was convinced she was going insane, what the heck was happening? Ryan is standing right next to them, what's he gonna say? As for Jett, where the heck are this kids parents?

"What did you see when you had your.. whatever?" Bianca asked, done with all this "supernatural mystery investigation stuff." She just wanted to find Beck, make Ryan happy again and.. what would happen after that? They wouldn't go back to their garbage parents, right? Would child Protection Services do anything? Their daughter went missing and they don't care whatsoever, and even used it as an opportunity to gamble and get drunk.

"Maybe I could adopt them?" Bianca thought.
"Could that happen? I'm the closest thing they have to a mother figure, their mom's sister cut off all contact with the Shapiro family, they don't have any grandparents, and their father has no siblings. Maybe Noah could help as the fathe-"

"I saw you, standing in front of the masked man, there was a tapestry of that symbol behind him, he was about to take off his mask, then that's when I snapped out of it, that vision is how I knew to find you." Jett replied, cutting off Bianca's chain of thought.

What he was describing, basically confirmed there was some sort of cult or organization the man was apart of, if there was a building, or at least a meeting place with that symbol attached to it.

"Wait.. Bianca said she saw what happened here, when you saw whoever... took my sister. Ryan said, the last part sounding like he was trying not to cry.
"... and Jett said he saw Bianca standing in front of him, shes only seen him once, at where she works, and I don't know what a tapestry is, but I'm pretty sure they don't have any things of that symbol where Bianca works.."
"Your point..?" Jett replied.
"It hasn't happened yet, you're seeing the future and Bianca's seeing the past."

"He's pretty well spoken for an eight year old." Bianca thought.

"Then, are we connected in some way?" Bianca wondered out loud.
"I don't know, this is definitely all happening for a reason though." Jett replied, probably the first time Bianca heard him say "I don't know".

"We're gonna find whoever took Beck, if what Jett saw is right, which means we'll find my sister... right?" Ryan asked, hopefully.
"I hope so, Ryan. I hope so."

What Bianca noticed is that there were a lot of questions, and no answers, which she hated, they could find out the answers to the strange paranormal stuff after Beck was found. (Not that Bianca cared anyways.)

All of a sudden, someone walked up to the group; he had black hair with dyed red tips that went down to just above his shoulders and a grey jacket with a few pins on it. It was Noah. Dang it. Now Bianca was going to have to explain why she was with Ryan and some random teenager, and possibly all the other stuff too.

"Hey.. uhh, what are you doing here?" Bianca asked him, nervously.
"I was just taking my little sister Allison shopping, she's at Showcase right now.. are you babysitting again?"
Noah looked at Jett.
"He seems a little old for a babysitter.."

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