2. What did I say yes to

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Autumn's POV:

The next couple hours went by painfully slow. The question just kept running through my mind- I've gone home with no plenty of women from my job but none of the guys have ever been attractive to me until now. But they're a couple?!!! Why are they asking me??! And they have masks on like I haven't even seen their faces but like- they're body's are fineeeee. The one who helped me was in a tight black dress shirt and it hugged all of his muscles. His boyfriend was in a black cropped tank and his abs and arms were to die for- what am I even saying I literally jsut met these men. I DONT EVEN KNOW THEIR NAMES- but like- one night wouldn't hurt- I meaaaaan I've always wanted two men to throw me around I guess. The boyfriend of the one who helped me tho seemed a lot more shy, and veeerrry gay so I'm kind of shocked he's okay with his boyfriend asking me. Ugh this is getting confusing talking about them IF ONLY I KNEW THEIR FUCKING NAMES- you know what. I'm gonna say yes- fuck it- if I get scared I can always leave but it might be fun- I wanna get my mind off of the auditions anyway so why not get my brain yeeted by two dicks. Ugh I just hope I'm making the right decision.

2am hits and no sign of the boys. I start packing up my things and cleaning the bar just waiting for them to show up. Finally at 2:25 they show up.

"Hey sorry we're a bit late, do you have an answer yet?" The one who helped me asked

"Yeah, I'm down just a quick question"

"Yeah sure" the boyfriend said

"What are your guys names and why do you wear masks"
They looked at each other and sighed

"I don't think you'll believe us but we're famous and we don't want to get recognized in public, we would prefer to keep them on for now but we're fine telling you our names" the one who helped me said

I gave them a weird look "are you guys like idols or something?" They just look at each other again "I'm not really into kpop so I don't think I'd know who you guys are tbh- my best friend is but I'm too busy with my studies all I really listen to is showtunes cause I'm an actress myself"

They both let out a sigh of relief "thank goodness, that makes it easier for us, I'm okay taking off my mask if you are baby" said the boyfriend and the other one nodded and they both took them off and god these are some pretty men.

"I'm Jongho and this is my boyfriend Yeosang, we are idols yes but please don't tell anyone about anything that happens tonight" said the one who helped me

"Of course guys, as I already said I don't know who you guys are to be honest, your faces seem familiar but it's not like I'm gonna faint cause I'm a fan or something, you guys are really handsome tho, I'm really excited for tonight, thank you guys for the offer"

"Of course miss, now we don't know your name either" said Yeosang

"It's Autumn, nice to meet you guys" I said bowing slightly

"Autumn that's a pretty name, are you ready to go now? Or still have some things to talk through" Jongho said

"Nope I'm all ready please don't have it be a far drive-"

"Nono it's like 15 minutes, behave yourself in the car tho we'll have fun when we get you home" Jongho said and winked at me
"And that goes for you too Yeosang this was your idea anyway so don't get too handsy in the car okay?" He said and I saw Yeosang shiver

"Y-yes Jongho"

"Good boy" Jongho said and kissed his boyfriends cheek before walking off

"Sooo are all really kinky or what-" I asked Yeosang

"U-umm kinda yeah, I've only ever been with him but he's very dominant and it's nice, he loves the power he has over me and I like it too cause he and make me crumble so easily" he said blushing

"Wait if you've only been with him- I'm gonna be the first girl you've slept with?" I said kind of shocked

"U-uh yeah if you're comfortable going that f-far" his face was so red at this point it's so cute

"I probably will baby boy, you're boyfriend is so lucky you're adorable" I said ruffling his hair and he practically squealed

"HURRY UP U WHORES" I head jongho yell and we both started laughing and walked outside 

15 minutes and a very tense car ride later we arrive at their apartment

"We do have roommates but we all have fairly soundproof room, we're a group of 8 guys and we're all in couples so the dorm gets loud" Jongho said "the other boys don't know we're doing this but no one should be awake this late so we should be okay."

I nodded and they led me inside. Their dorm looked fairly modern but it felt cozy. They led me straight to their room which had a queen sized bed and some light blue sheets

Right about now I'm started to wonder what exactly I said yes to..

A/N: CHAPTER 2 YALL!!! I hope yall liked it, it's a little longer and the next chapter is gonna be spicyyyyyy!!! Sorry to leave it at kinda a cliffhanger lol 😂

Sage out 🍀

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