
15 0 0

Homework sat on the bed in his room, paitiently awaiting when he could once again enter that strange realm.
His doctors knew he wasn't delusional, and knew of them had actually seen him get sucked up into the portal, and he was glad of it too. He didn't like it when others didn't believe him.
He had also noticed his sister hadn't come to see him yesterday, which he found odd, she didn't even come in the afternoon. He knew for a fact that she wasn't afraid of him, despite what the doctors tell him when she doesn't come.
8:00am! On the dot. He was sucked through the portal and barely managed to keep his balance.
Now where was alex? Or the rest of his team for that matter? There! He walked over with a smile.
"Hi team!" He called out.

"Hi team!" Pine tree heard homework say. That guy was... she didn't- he wasn't okay, probably. But he hadn't hurt her yet, or any of her other teammates, even if she did hurt the charger object... guy... she did take notice that most of his attention was usually directed at alex, for some reason... i mean, alex was a pretty cool guy, he was always popular when he went to those... science meetup things, for his job. And in her opinion, he was better at handling things than a therapist!
"Hey homework." Sunny said with a slight grumble, crossing her arms. She had gained her ability to fly again when they were transported back.
"Alright then, now that we're all here, tile to announce the mext challenge!" Facey called out, teleporting everyone near. Pine tree yelped slightly, still not used to the teleportation... thing...
"Now todays challange is... to..." facey thinks for a second, looking around as if the area would give him answers.
"Uh... hit... hit the bullseye!" With what seemed like a little effort, he spawned a few targets, and a nerf gun for each team.
She wasn't very good at aiming, but she knew alex had steady hands, and she wouldn't be surprised if sunny knew how to shoot. Homework? I don't think I would trust him, even with just a nerf gun...

"Okay." Fork took the nerf gun. "Heh, im sure if anyone would know how to use this thing, it's me." Ben looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Why do you assume that?"
"Well, you're parents obviously wouldn't know how to-"
"Im shooting the target."
Ben took the nerf gun from his hand. Loading it up amd aiming, fork pulled the nerfgun from his hand.
"No you're not."
Ben pulled it back.
"Yes i am, you've never even used a gun before."
"And i suppose you have with your gay parents?"
"Actually i have."
Ben pulled the gun away from fork once again and aimed, pressing the trigger on the nerf gun and hitting the target, before slowly turning around with a smirk on his face. Fork gave him an angry glare.
"And fork's team is safe!" Facey called out.
The shell girl crossed her arms. "You didn't even think of giving me a chance."
Ben looked over.
"Well, do you know how to shoot a gun?"

Autumn leaf looked over, someone was already safe? Well, she didn't really want to lose again, and only be down to two members, but who the hell knew how to use a gun? Definitely not jessica, she had no clue how to use a gun, the butter guy maybe?"
"Hey, uh... butter? Sorry- you can't really tell me your real name."
Butter shrugged it off and took the nerf gun, she could tell by that look in his eye that he... didn't know either.
But regardless, he attempted to shoot the gun. It hit the edge of the board, so it didn't count. He attempted to try again, repeatedly missing the bullseye every time.
"Okay, how about i try then?" Autumn leaf took the nerf gun. She examined it for a second before aiming and shooting, and she actually got pretty close to the bullseye!
"Hey, not bad..."

"Only two safe spots left!" Facey called out with that annoying little happy voice, everything about him sucked! And the way he scared evergreen every time he teleported them, he was just a big ball of annoying...ness!
"Hey, sunny?" Magic shield was snapped out of her thiughts as evergreen walked uo to her with the nerf gun.
"Do you know how to-"'
"No, sorry."
"Oh, okay."
Evergreen walked over to alex instead, she wished she knew how to shoot a gun, then she could shoot facey right in his eye, that would be funny, he's only a face, the face is a sensitive part of the body, especially the eyes... she thinks. But still, he's nothing but fragile, and she bets he cries like a baby if he gets hurt.
Magic shield jumos slightly at the sound of a nerf dart hitting the board.
"And cereal's team is safe!"
That stupid annoying voice again, did he have to remind everyone every time who was safe?

Cereal smiled, they were safe. He looked over, who else meeded to finish?
Those people with the butter object, hat object, and the orange leaf. They didn't exactly need help though.
And the other team... okay, they needed help.
As he walks over, the fish bowl girl flintches slightly, she was the one trying to shoot the gun, with only one hand he might add.
"Hey there, uh..."
"Goldie, right. Do you guys want some help?"
"...uh, well." Goldie looks down at the nerf gun with a slightly disappointed look.
"That... would be nice, thanks."
Cereal smiles, taking the gun from her and hitting the target.
"And vasey's team is safe!"

Fishy bowl watched as careal- oh, hmm...
"What was your name again?"
"Alex, nice to meet you."
Alex gave a friendly smile and walked back to their owm team.
Man... she was so sure she'd be able to figure it out... even with one arm... she didn't want to lose that skill, but what could she do about it?
"And that means butter's team if up for elimination... again..."

Butter walked over to facey, again...
"Alroght you three, pick someone to get out, and they'll join helium!
Helium had been watching the challange, he seemed to be relieved he didn't have to play anymore, butter was glad he felt that way.
"I think butter should go!" Jessica shouted out.
"He missed the target like, a bajillion times!"
Lillie looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
"But you didn't do anything. I vote jessica."
"Who?" Facey tilted his... face?
"Ugh, hat... i vote hat."
Butter nodded his agreement, and facey seemed to understand.
"That's two to one! Hat, you're out."
Jessica scoffed, rolling her eyes before walking away.
That looked pretty embarrassing...

Vasey was portaled back into her room, she had been comforting context the whole challange, amd sort of herself too. goldie had forced her to eat breakfast this morning.
"Meow." Tangerine peeked into her room, lettinbout another small meow before coming to sit by her bed.
Did he even understand what she went through? Where she goes every day? She wondered what he does while they're away, she knew how much tangerine hated it when they left...


Hello :3
Yeah I know it's kind of a short chapter and i kinda rushed it 😤
Im trying to get rid of writers block ok? This was an accomplishment for me to finish this chapter so quickly.

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