❲ ♥︎ ❳ sakura › first timeout (req)

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a/n: so... decided to write this one in 3rd person, aka yoonah the original character's pov. what are your thoughts? should i continue to write them like this? also, this is for the lovely person who wanted me to write about yoonah misbehaving!! 🩷


Yoonah and the girls were given a week-long break as soon as the 'FLAME RISES' tour came to a close, something they all had been looking forward to for a few weeks now. They all love performing and putting out enjoyable content for FEARNOTs, but they all are also very exhausted. Being an idol really takes a toll on everyone's bodies.

The girls have been particularly worried about Yoonah, seeing as she hasn't slipped into littlespace in weeks, not even on their occasional off-days. The girls absolutely love every minute of being her caregivers, so she can understand why they're worried and probably a bit sad.

But there's a problem. The reason Yoonah can't slip is because of all of the pent-up stress that seems to be growing every day. This is odd because usually slipping is how she relieves that stress, but this type of stress is truly preventing her from relaxing.

She hasn't told the girls about this, because both she and the producer wanted it to be a surprise, but she's been working on two songs for the last few weeks. They're both completely written by Yoonah, and a Starship producer is helping her pull the songs together. After weeks of hard work, it's time for the final recording, which is what has her so tense and on-edge, much to her dislike.

These two songs were written by Yoonah to express her love and gratitude to her members, and are also going to be included in their next album, so she feels an immense pressure to sing them perfectly, which has been troubling her. It's been troubling her to the point where she sometimes suffers sleepless nights, worrying about the girls' reaction to the song. As a result, she's simply feeling too tense to slip, her head being clouded with a desire to succeed at perfection.

It's been a surprisingly long four days since she started the final recording of the song, and tomorrow, she's hoping to finish. There's just so much on her mind.


"Unnies. I'm off," Yoonah called out quietly as she approached the front door. She had just slipped into her shoes, ready to leave the dorm and head to the company building to finish her songs.

She supposes her words came across as grumpy and upset, because Chaewon looked over at her from her spot on the couch, one eyebrow raised in curiosity. "You okay, Gom-ah? You sound kinda tired," the second eldest pointed out.

"I'm fine, Unnie. I'm just... I dunno. Anyway, I gotta go," Yoonah rushed out, turning once more to leave.

"Yoonah, wait!" Another voice called out. Kazuha. Yoonah closed her eyes, feeling frustration seeping into her, holding her in place, and making it difficult for her to turn back around to face her older bandmate. She felt like she was about to snap. Not because she was angry at her bandmates. Not at all. It's just that all of the pressure that's been building up inside of her is near its limit. It just needs one blow.

"Yes, Unnie?"

"Pick up some food on the way to the studio. You need to eat, Yoogomi," Kazuha reminded Yoonah. The younger nodded stiffly, and then took a single step forward. She just wanted to leave.


The second Yoonah's name left yet another one of her bandmates' mouths-it was Eunchae this time-she broke down. In all honesty, she thought she was going to lash out in a fit of rage and yell at them, or something along those lines, but she didn't. Instead, she instantly felt her head become a bit lighter as she sunk to her knees and began to cry.

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