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Happy 10th Chapter
I didn't know I would make it this far but all your love and support had been very inspiring.

***Sakura POV***
So he's back, I thought as I kicked a rock across the street,on my way to the medical center, I see Naruto still has faith in Sasuke. He and Sasuke have this weird relationship where they bring the best out of each other, as for Sasuke and I, we bring out the worst in one another; I frustrate and make him angry while he despises me and makes me feel subordinate to him.
I tried to kick another small rock down the small hill that the village center but my feet slipped into the crack and I was falling down. Then suddenly, I suddenly I felt a firm arm grab me around my small waist as Sasuke wrapped turned to use his back as a cushion for us to land on. In a split second , I threw one of my kunai into a large rocks and laced a Chakra string into and held onto. However, I instinctively pushed Sasuke off my back as he fell to the ground with a heavy thud.

Oh my god, what have I done. Why didn't he just use his sharingan to save himself.

I quickly ran down the hill to where he laid, twitching due to his backache. Using my knowledge of medical ninjustu, I carefully set his body into a seating position, my heart broken a little for every time he wives and I was close to tears when I realized that he can to save me and I pushed him away.
As soon as he was ready, I slowly removed his now blood soaked shirt so that his chest and back were exposed for me to examine. I ran my finger across his chest with my chakra to check for any injuries. Fortunately, there was none. Then, I proceed to his back, he unconsciously put his hand up as an attempt to stop me, but quickly realising his actions he relaxed. With him relaxed, I was able to pinpoint as to where the pain, swollens and blood was coming from.
It was at his upper back area, close to his backhead near his ear. I leaned my body towards close to his so that I get a better view of his wound. So dangerously close was I to him much that we could have made out, so close that on the hill we probably looked like we were making out.
Speaking of making out, I began to hear Tsunade's words from training, "You must learn to separate your emotions especially when you are fulfilling a task". She was right, you know? Right now, I cannot concentrate on healing his shoulder with him being such a distraction. I guess nothing has changed; she still doesn't bring out the best in me.
Right!!!Sasuke needs me right now as a medical nin and not as a friend. I should see him as nothing more.
I heaved as I pushed more of my chakra as I worked on sealing his injury.

Sasuke's POV
As soon as I was done with my task which was picking trash from the first training ground, I hurriedly made my way to the medical inn. The more work I put in, the more enthusiastic I would seem to Tsunade which would mean that I would get my headband quicker.
Hey, is that Sakura I see ahead of me, wow, she sure has changed. She traded that long red qipao dress with white circular designs she wore when we were a team to don a red top with the same design as the upper-half of her old dress, a pink skirt with black gloves, black high boots, and grey elbow protectors. Wow she looks ready for combat and hot; maybe its because I am into short hair? I wonder of she still has a crush on me???
I decided to run over to her to say hello but I remembered that as part of my punishment, I was not allowed to talk to any of my classmates. So I hid in the nearby rocks to wait for her to in some distance away from me until she slipped!!!!
Oh no
Without even thinking, I rushed over to pick her up. I caught her and was about to jump back onto a sage rock when she kicked me back. What was going on?
Well I guess I deserved that, as I fell into unconciousness.

***Medical Inn****
I woke up with a blast on my skull, but I managed to make out Sakura rhrough my hazy vision. She was hovering over my body with green chakra; she was healing me. She seemed to be talking to someone, the more I focused on my surrounding, I had a feeling of deja vu. Before I left Konoha to Orochimaru's hideout, there was a time when I was hospitalized. I can't remember why but I know that Sakura stayed by my bedside everyday and Naruto had gone on a journey to get Tsunade to come heal me. Even after what they did for me, I still had the nerve to stab them at the back.

The flow on green chakra stopped and I knew that Sakura was done because I was feeling better as the headache subsided. Wow, she has grown to be quite the medical nin, I felt better than I had for the past weeks.
"I am finished"
As Sakura began to leave, I reached out and grabbed her hand.
"I am sorry", I said with all honesty. For a full minute, we stared at each other's eyes.
"You are annoying", she spat my own cold words back at me. As she walked away.
I felt my heart break. I shivered as I remembered her words, her cold eyes.

Hey once again guys, I finished this chapter. So to celebrate the 10 chapters, I will upload the next chapter if I can get 10 votes for this chapter. Thanks again for all your consistency and support.

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