Chapter 1-Everything I wanted

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{Andrietta's pov}
[present day]
Silence. Just silence. I would normally thrive in silence but now,the silence pierces through me like a blade. His eyes are pleading with me to stay. His beautiful,warm brown eyes have the saddest look in them.

Our hands are like ropes,pulling from different directions. My one hand on his muscled broad chest. His firm grip holding my hand as if he's never touched me before.

He finally speaks. "Are you sure about this?"

His sombre tone of voice almost broke me. It's like he wants me to respond with the one word that would change everything.


He wants me to do the one thing we both know can't happen.


I almost wanted to. For once in my life I wanted to be selfish. I wanted to choose me.

But I could not. Not when the people I love lives are at stake. It always was going to come down to this.

Them. Or me. This time I chose them.

"Thank you. You chose to love me. You made me want to feel." I responded with the truth he actually wanted to hear. Yet, the sadness in his eyes has risen. For the first time in a long time, I cried.

Adrian smiled at me knowingly. I beamed at him like a idiot. He chuckled until we both realized, the first time I felt everything was the day I was going to die.

We both turned out heads in unison to the sound of the door opening.

Nicole's body frame appeared in the doorway. I could see that she was trying to stay strong for me.

She forced a smile and said in a serious tone "It's time."

This was the beginning and end of my life.

My father said Malenkovs always would fade in an epic way. Guess it's time I proved him wrong.

[Years ago]
Silence. Just what I needed. I scanned the office. The table was messy with a bunch of documents,an unfinished bagel and pencils. The wallpaper is cheetah print and the chair is a leather armchair. This office reeks of cheap perfume.

On the wall, behind the armchair, hung a huge picture frame. It was a bitter woman who looks like she is scowling at me. Her blonde hair is all pinned back. Her dead blue eyes stare back with promise.

Her face almost looks unnatural, like it does not suit her. To this day I would never understand plastic surgery.

Before I could pester more about her face, I heard the door click.

"Girla,You finally arrived. Excuse me keeping you waiting. I had a situation to deal with."

Yeah. Right. Merideth Davis never surprises me. She's the typical money hungry person she was years ago. Everyone in this world has a weapon or a shield for protection. She uses her beauty.

Merideth is what you would call objectively attractive. At first glance you would notice how attractive she was. Her long legs, glowing skin, golden locs and hazel eyes. Her charm and confidence does her justice too.

Silence filled the air as Merideth shifted under my scrutiny. I always made people uncomfortable. Father always said I had a way of looking at people as if I'm gazing at their soul.

She cleared her throat and broke the silence.

"So I'm sure your father filled you in about our school. This is a safe haven for students.."

Yeah more like signing up for death row.

" Here at Lopez Academy we thrive on dreaming big."

As she continues to shift uncomfortably, her eyes seem guarded. She's hiding something. She's also fidgeting with her pen and failing to hold eye contact.

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