Gone too soon 💔

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The girls woke up in pain. Their vaginas throbbing and legs numb. "I'm never having sex again" Betty huffed "yeah right" veronica laughed trying to lean up "my fucking vagina hurts so bad" betty said as Cheryl stayed quiet "Cher are you ok" veronica asked "Toni nutted in me" Cheryl said "um, ok? are you not on a pill?" veronica asked, "Toni knows how to pull out I didn't think to take a pill" Cheryl said "Cher baby you always take a pill" Veronica sighed "do you want to take a pregnancy test" Betty asked "I think you have to wait for that" Cheryl said "yeah it's too early but speaking of Toni where is she" betty asked as they tried to get up but cried in pain. Veronica reached over to her phone and called Toni who picked up "where the fuck are you we are hurting and you left us" veronica said and Toni told her she was downstairs making them breakfast "oh I'm sorry for cursing at you baby" veronica replied but betty took the phone "Will I be able to walk again and how soon so I can beat your ass" betty said causing Toni to laugh over the phone. Toni told her that she will be upstairs to give them breakfast in bed then she'll give them thigh massages.

A good hour went by and the girls were watching tv when Toni came up stairs balancing three trays of breakfast with flowers on them." I can't open the door" Toni huffed "and you think we can" Veronica replied. Toni sat the trays on her head trying to balance it as she opened the door. The girls looked at her with awe and then laughed at the wiggly and unbalanced motion from her. " grab the plate damn it" Toni joked as Veronica took The purple tray with blueberry pancakes as Betty took the yellow tray with pink dots that had banana pancakes and Toni grabbed the red tray with strawberry pancakes from her head and passed it to Cheryl but before they could say thank you she jogged down to grab her tray and speeded back up to the girls and jumped into the bed with them as they ate. But something or more like someone was off and Toni could feel it. Toni downed her whole plate. She sat the plate on the dresser and watched Cheryl who picked at her food. Veronica noticed and playfully shoved Toni. They locked eyes and Veronica shook her head and Toni sighed. They all eventually finished their food, and Toni rushed them to the dish washer. She printed upstairs and carefully picked up betty and placed her at the end of the bed then started roaming up and down the blondes' legs then began pressing into her thighs causing betty to flinch a little. She grabbed the blondes' thighs and pulled them close to her front and started pressing her thumbs into her thighs causing betty to whine in pleasure as Cheryl and veronica watched. She finished up on Betty and the blonde felt like she could walk for miles. Betty got up and took a shower while Toni massaged Veronica. Toni slowly lifted veronica legs and placed them on her shoulder as she rubbed down her ankle to her thigh at least five times on both legs digging her thumb into them. Veronica couldn't help but bite her lip enjoying it. "Babe you should s-start y-your own massage b-business" Veronica said in between soft whines. Once she stopped Betty got out of the restroom and in went Veronica. Now it was Cheryl's turn and that's when things got awkward. Cheryl tried to avoid eye contact and betty noticed and held her towel tight and walked downstairs to get dressed. Toni sighed "What's wrong with you? Cheryl did I do something?" Toni asked and Cheryl just started crying covering her face up. Toni rushed to her side holding the redhead and rocking her. "I'm pregnant" Cheryl blurted and Toni stopped rocking her and got up. Cheryl looked up at Toni with her eyes red as ever. "You're looking at me like you hate me now" Cheryl said as she cried more, and Toni shook her head "No I'm actually happy I mean I've always wanted a family. I'm also sorry I was caught in the moment and forgot to you know pull out" Toni said grabbing Cheryl's hand "Toni, I didn't even stop you it's my fault too bu-" Cheryl said but stopped and wiped her tears up "But what" Toni asked her while still holding her hand "I'm not keeping it. I can't take of a kid" Cheryl said and Toni let her hand go "You're not killing it Cheryl" Toni said "Toni if I keep the baby how can I take care of them look at me I can barely take care of myself I won't torture my first child I just won't so I can't keep her" Cheryl said looking Toni in her eyes "And if I let someone adopt them who says they won't want to meet me or ask me why I let them go. If I have that baby I will be too attached." Cheryl cried again and Toni sighed "It's your choice and I'll respect it either way" Toni replied and Cheryl smiled as Toni wiped Cheryl's face. Veronica walked out the restroom and began dressing while Toni massaged Cheryl.

The girls were all dressed, and the hall smelled like different scents of perfume. Toni damn near couldn't breathe walking around the house. The girls rolled their eyes thinking Toni was being dramatic. All four girls walked out the house and drove with Toni to the store to get things for the house. "Which store first ladies" Toni asked "Mall" they all screamed but Toni shook her head no "We need food and stuff not clothes you're going to wear once the throw them out" Toni sighed "twice actually" Veronica said causing Cheryl and Betty to laugh and Toni rolled her eyes and pulled into the mall. They all walked into the mall with Toni walking right behind them until they all walked in different directions. Toni stayed in the middle of the mall and walked to the massage chairs and stayed there until she fell asleep. An hour must have gone by because she opened her eyes to her three girlfriends holding at least ten bags each while eating ice cream. Toni looked at her phone and it's only been twenty minutes she laughed and stretched. she got out the chair and walked with her girls to the exit until her phone dinged and it was from the unknown number again. She opened it and it was a picture of her and her girlfriends walking out. "You guys go to the car without me I have to get something" Toni told them and handed Betty the kids. They nodded and walked out the mall while Toni looked around and then saw someone in all black watching her. Toni ran towards them, and they took off running. Toni slid and jumped over people and things trying to catch the person. She finally caught up to them and jumped on them. Toni took off their hoodie and it was her. Toni got up and so did the girl who looked exactly like her. The girl laughed and walked off Toni just froze and walked like she could barely move. She got in the car as the three girls looked at her worried. Toni didn't speak she just cranked up the car and began to drive down the street.

(Before reading this part I'm not going to lie you should listen to the song Skyfall by Adele..you'll see why)

Toni turned into Walmart and life jumped at her and she forced a smile on her face. "So can we actual shop for food this time" Toni joked and got out the car. The three girls looked at her like she was a whole different person, but they just shrugged and walked into Walmart. The girls split ways in each food aisles. Toni started blinking like crazy. Everyone she saw were wearing black with her face as their face. Toni grabbed at her chest and couldn't feel her heart. Toni fell to her knees and clenched her jaws trying to stand up. Toni took a deep breath and regain her balance. The three girls walked up to Toni who was just smiling. "Where is the snacks babe" Cheryl asked Toni as the girls had their carts filled with foods. "I'm sorry I was laughing at the name of these off-brand cereals" Toni said laughing as the girls looked at her confused. The shopping went on for only Five minutes because the girls helped Toni. They all paid and filled up the trunk. Toni began to drive off heading to her house.

The girls were singing in the back seat when Toni began blinking crazy again. Toni started biting her lip trying to keep it together. She made it to her driveway and the girls got out and grabbed their bags from the mall first. Toni gripped the stirring weel when she saw her girls go into the house. She unbuckled her seat belt and ran in the street. She kept running not noticing the girls running right behind her. Tears falling down her face and her chest aching. The girls couldn't run as fast as Toni but didn't give up neither. Tears roaming down their face trying to catch the pink haired girl but didn't succeed. Toni was out of sight. The three girls fell to the ground crying.

Toni didn't stop running. She was out of tears her heart moving faster than her feet. Toni finally stopped. She had no idea what was happening to her. She couldn't help but to cry once more. She began walking back toward her house. Once she caught her breath a car came zooming towards her. Toni looked in the direction of the car and there she was again someone with her face. The person smiled and Toni tried to run. The car didn't slow down it just hit Toni and kept going. Toni flew so far up in the air landing straight on her head as she came down. In came her truck with her four girl friends. Jumping out the car screaming her name and crying.

Toni eyes opened and closed over and over. She kept seeing white lights. Her eyes went shut and she heard screams and arguing. Her body shook like she was being rushed to a hospital bed. "I told you this was going to happen I told you" a person screamed "What's going on with her" another person said "what do you mean you've been hiding this" someone yelled "why didn't you get her help" another person yelled "you guys have to let her go" someone said "she's not gone until those lines up there are straight" someone yelled "She's been gone since she was a kid" another person said and the room went quiet and Toni couldn't hear anymore. Everything for her went blank.

The room filled with tears as they heard Toni's last heartbeat. Doctors rushed in and everyone had to leave out. The doctors shocked Toni trying to get her heart beat back. They didn't give up they kept it up. Until......

(Come back to this when u read the next chapter...ok THIS IS A DREAM GUYS THIS CHAPTER IS NOT REAL)

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