𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 11

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"Congratulations, Decathalon national champions!" Mr. Harrington called. Peter and I looked at each other, knowing we didn't deserve to be called whatever Mr. Harrington just called us.

A round of applause flew around the table, smiled shared, and the trophey right next to our teacher stood tall in the teams' victory.

"I'm gonna have to put this back in the trophey case soon... but just for motivation right now at this practice. I'm ahead of the game, but we will need a new team captain next year." Mr. Harrington explained, pushing his hands together like a third grade student. "So I am appointing, Michelle."

My face lit up, happy for my friend. Her face shot up at her name, and the table went into another round of applause, including myself. She smiled and looked at me. I smiled so bright that my teeth were actually showing. I was happy for MJ. She deserved it.

"Uh, thank you. My friends call me MJ." She said.

"I thought you didn't have any friends." Ned called, causing me to raise an eyebrow at him, feeling the situation become awkward.

"I didn't, I only had one." MJ said, nodding to help the awkward moment. Peter's phone suddenly rang, grabbing everyone's attention. He looked at it with a sort of concerned look, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Hey, uh, I gotta go." Peter said.

"Hey, where are you going?" MJ interrogated. Peter pointed in the direction of the exit, and MJ's voice became more suspicious. "What are you hiding, Peter?" She pushed. Peter looked at me as if I could help, and I just shrugged. "I'm just kidding. I don't care. Bye." MJ was definitely holding a laugh behind her words, seeing how scared she made him.

I shook my head and listened in on our plan for Decathalon. I was definitely going to take this more seriously than I had before. I feel like I let my team down, so now I was zoning in.

"Really? Thinking excersizes?" I asked as Ned and MJ walked with me to my locker.

"Yes! I'm telling you! They will help us think quicker." Ned explained. I laughed at the idea.

"It sounds stupid, but also sounds smart." MJ agreed, making me look at her with raised eyebrows. "What?"

Free period was over, so now the rest of the day came into play. I was counting down the minutes until I could leave. School was never fun, and I speak on behalf of all high school students when I say that. So, this was a normal thing.

"You guys are crazy." I admitted, pulling out a different composition book, labeled Chemistry. That's when my phone buzzed, causing me to take it out and stay at my locker as I read through the text. "Hey, you guys go ahead without me."

"Are you sure? Is everything okay?" MJ asked, concern laced in her voice.

"Yeah. Just give me a moment." I smiled warmly, looking at Ned to explain why. His face lit up, mouthing an 'oh'.

"Let's go. Don't wanna be late." Ned said and started walking away. He turned around to see my 'thank you'. I think he liked this secret more than me and Parker combined.

Speaking of Peter, he told me to meet him out front. I furrowed my eyebrows, but I've learned to not question Parker and just go. So, I did.

When I made it to the front of the school, I opened the doors, seeing Parker and a very expensive Car right beside him. I raised an eyebrow.

"Gwen, I'd like you to meet Happy. He's Tony Stark's head of security." Peter announced, the man beside him. Ironically, he was not looking so... happy.

You're Like Me [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now