4: The Survey Corps.

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THE ATMOSPHERE HUNG, heavy with silence, every breath pregnant with shock and surprise

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THE ATMOSPHERE HUNG, heavy with silence, every breath pregnant with shock and surprise.

Commander Erwin's voice echoed across the training ground, cutting through the usual chatter like a blade through silk.

The air grew thick with silence, punctuated only by the rustling of leaves in the breeze.

YN stood frozen, his eyes wide with disbelief. Beside him, his comrades exchanged bewildered glances, their faces a mixture of shock and uncertainty.

One whispered, barely audible over the stunned silence, "Did he just say... Survey Corps?"

Another, voice shaky, replied, "I thought he was joking... this can't be real."

Erwin's gaze remained steely, unwavering as he surveyed the group.

"This is no jest," he affirmed, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "Prepare yourselves. We'll leave at dawn."

The weight of his words hung in the air, sinking into each recruit's mind like an anchor.

Time seemed to slow as they processed the implications of this unexpected turn.

The training ground, once bustling with activity, now resembled a tableau frozen in disbelief, captured in a moment where destinies were reshaped by a single command.

As YN stood there, his expression could have frozen an ice cube in midair.

His mind, typically a serene lake of apathy, was now disturbed by ripples of confusion and disbelief that even he couldn't ignore.

The shock had rendered him speechless, which was quite a feat considering he often struggled to find something to say even in the most mundane of situations.

Slowly, like a sloth discovering the joys of sprinting, he turned around and started his solemn march towards his dorm room.

Each step carried the weight of a thousand existential crises, each heavier than the last.

It was as if the universe had suddenly decided to play a cosmic prank on him, and he was the only one not in on the joke.

The silence hung around him like a clingy acquaintance at a party, refusing to leave despite his best efforts to ignore it.

Inside his head, though, there was a different kind of party—a chaotic gathering of thoughts trying desperately to make sense of the absurdity unfolding around him.

If YN had been inclined to speak, which he rarely was, he might have muttered something like, "Well, this day just took a sharp left turn into the Twilight Zone. Maybe I'll wake up and find out it was all just a bizarre dream induced by too much cafeteria food."

But alas, the universe wasn't done with its comedic timing yet.

YN trudged onward, the epitome of stoic bemusement, leaving behind a trail of awkwardness and unanswered questions that only he could fully appreciate.

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