Dorm Mates and Backpain

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Walking down the hall I still have that lecture on my mind. What could he mean and how can this academy be so dangerous? I mean yes I'm being taught by at least one hybrid but still he's not going to hurt me and my magic nor my combat skills aren't the good either. At least I don't think they ar- shit.

"Ow" I fell back and landed on my ass. I'm not very blessed so I felt that a lot harder than other girls my age. My ass is small and to add insult to injury so are my tits. C cups are fun. I still get mad back pain but I don't mind as it's helped me out on more than one occasion.

"I I I I'm so sorry!" I heard someone yell. Looking up I realised they were yelling at me with that apology.

"Hey it's ok" I say trying to make sure we don't cause a scene. Ugh I hate having the centre of attention; nothing worse than that in my opinion.
'Hey why don't we go back to my room and we can talk' smiling I take her hand and walk along the corridor in search of my room. 103, 104, 105, ah ha 106.
'Home sweet home for the next four years I suppose' I say knowing that there's nothing I can do about it. Personally I'd much rather be at home with my mum, dad, big brother and my little brother and sister. Twins and an absolute nightmare to deal with when they are annoyed but still cute all the same.

"Um" the girl began, I turned and smiled at her. "Well this is my room as well, at least I think it is. I could be reading my sheet wrong". She gave me the sheet of paper unique to every first year and sure enough she was my dorm mate. One of them anyway.

"This is perfect" smiling I couldn't believe my good luck. First person I bump into is going to be my dorm mate this means I only need to introduce myself to two other people and then I'm good. "Innori-Ryen Yuuki it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm so looking forward to spending these next few years with you". I say looking right into her eyes. Fuck me I could get lost in them, seriously I could they're beautiful.

"Hi I'm Ella Evergreen I'm the first born so I'm next in line to the family estate, unfortunately" she looked a little embarrassed so I tried to put her at ease, not sure how well it worked though.

"It's lovely to meet you Ella I'm second born of the Yuuki family so I've also got a lot riding on my shoulders. For example my big brother is the student council president and he expects me to join and be the vice president. I mean come on nuts is that! I've not even been here 24 hours and I'm already expected to join the Student Council" looking at her I can tell I've just made it worse so time for damage control "hey, what I'm trying to say is everyone has things that they find hard to shoulder on their own so rest assured that your not alone in it. If things ever get too much for you and you need my help please come and talk to me. I know I'll be able to help even if it's just by listening to you". Yep that did it I can rest easy.

"Ok let's do this" a bright green light erupted from my body and affected not only me but Ella as well. "Oh that's so much better, I find myself doing that more and more often as my chest grows" I explain "my back kills me now that I have the added weight".

Before Ella could get out any word probably along the lines of 'you can use magic that well already ?' There was a knocking on the door.

"Hey I'm Remi Hori and this my twin sister Sakura Hori" two girls came in looking rather too excited in my opinion but I was happy to see them none the less. A good first impression is everything as they say 'hey I'm Innori-Ryen Yuuki nice to meet you'.

"I'm Ella Evergreen nice to meet you guys" Ella looked like she was going to curl up. From this interactions I've had with her so far I get the impression that she's a very shy girl who would probably shy away from confrontation. This will be interesting.

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