The bet (Natasha)

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(College AU)

Natasha had always been seen as a kind and caring person. The kind of friend that would have your back no matter what, but she also had a fiercely competitive side. One that would consume her, and convince her that if she didn't win it would damage her pride and her ego. That's what led her up to this moment, agreeing to something so out of character just to win a bet. 
You were purely collateral damage, picked on by Maria because you turned her down. Maria was infuriated, because no one turned down her advances, so she came up with a cruel plan to get back at you. She knew Natasha had never turned down a bet so she bet Natasha that she couldn't get you to sleep with her by the start of the school year after summer. Normally Natasha would have ignored Maria, but the taunting that followed threatened her pride, so she easily accepted, she had a year to complete the bet, not knowing about you rejecting Maria or about the alternative agenda her so called "friend" had.
The day after the bet was made, Natasha found you sat in the library researching for your English essay. The surprise on your face was evident when Natasha came to sit at your table with an easy going smile. You had always had a crush on Natasha but she was popular, outgoing and beautiful and you felt like she was way out of your league. So when she casually asked you out on a date, the blush on your face was immediate, but to Natasha's surprise, you shook your head before apologising and explaining you had just got out of a relationship so weren't looking to date anyone right now. Natasha recovered quickly and the easy going smile turned sympathetic before explaining she would love to go out as just friends then. The sigh of relief you let out was obvious and you nodded shyly before thanking Natasha for being so understanding and accepting to hang out with her that evening.
After that day in the library, you and Natasha became fast friends and after a couple of months Natasha asked you out as more than a friend again and this time, you happily accepted. This progressed rapidly from there and after the Christmas break you and Natasha were officially together. In all honesty Natasha had forgotten all about the bet, she really liked you and when Maria patted her on the back and casually reminded her she had until the end of August to win, her heart sank. She didn't want to hurt you like that but the taunting and the constant pushing from her friend pushed at her pride so again she gritted her teeth and carried on seeing you without telling you about the bet.
You had no idea about the real reason Natasha had asked you out and you didn't suspect a thing. So after being together for 7 months, you told Natasha that you loved her and that you wanted to be with her in every way. Natasha told you she loved you too and she really did, but the guilt sat heavy on her chest. She wanted to tell you the truth but the taunting words of Maria and her friends rang in her head, so again she said nothing to you, she just told you she loved you back and said she wanted the same. So after a romantic date in the summer, you and Natasha finally made the next step in your relationship. As you lay in Natasha's bed, asleep after an incredible night, nothing but the bed sheets covering you, Natasha took a picture with a heavy heart, and sent it over to Maria with the caption 'I win, pay up'. The grin on Maria's face at the message was smug and cruel as she set out to get her revenge on you for not wanting her.
Natasha thought she was in the clear, Maria had paid her for winning the bet, she had you, the girl she loved and her friends had finally stopped taunting her. But all good things come to an end. The first day of classes at college is supposed to be exciting, a chance to catch up with friends and try out new classes and courses but your world fell apart as Maria shared a post online with the photo of you attached and the caption "Well worth the $200 right Romanoff?". You stood in the hall next to Natasha staring hard at your phone, listening to all the phones around you ping and eyes begin to stare at you. You could hear ringing in your ears before you felt someone touch your shoulder. You jumped and looked up to see Natasha's concerned but guilty face. The only thing you could get out as tears began to build up were "I was a bet?". Natasha avoided eye contact and that was all the confirmation you needed as you stepped away from her like she had burned you. You felt sick and you knew you needed to get out of there before you broke down, so you bolted. You could hear Natasha calling your name, but you couldn't bear to look at her. You made it back to your room and locked the door before sinking to the floor as tears rushed down your face. You had thought your last break up was bad, but this was worse. It was like Natasha had taken your heart and ground it into dust, you had thought she loved you but you were wrong and felt so stupid about it. Your phone pinged again and you hesitantly picked it up before reading a message from Maria. 'No one turns me down, especially someone like you'. You  cried harder as you read the message. You couldn't believe someone would be so cruel and so heartless. As you sat on your floor, trying to figure out how you were going to show your face around campus, Natasha started to knock on your door begging you to open up and let her explain. Anger took over, so you swung the door open and glared at her, telling you don't have to let her explain anything. Natasha, looked visibly stunned by your anger so you continued "I will never, ever forgive you for this. I thought you loved me but I was obviously wrong because you don't do this to someone you love. So go away Natasha, I don't ever want to see you or any of your friends again. You're cruel, mean and selfish and I hope you're happy because I'm done so just go, get out of here".
You slammed the door in Natasha's face, and started packing a bag. You wouldn't stay somewhere you had been humiliated, so you left without a word to anyone to try and put back together your heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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