Chapter 1

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Today is October 16, 2015, I'm getting up right now to get to school, my parents are yelling violently at me and my siblings to wake up, I have 4 siblings, Lily, Isabel, Feilix, and Eden. Feilix being the only boy in the family gets treated so much differently, well my parents still hate him like they do with us, but not as much. "WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!!!" my mom screamed wildly. i didn't flinch or anything im just used to it. So i got up ate breakfast, get dressed, did my makeup, brushed my teeth and got on the bus. I go to a private school for rich kids and i hate it. All the kids here are smartasses, they think they know everything and they don't, expect for this one guy, his name is Alex, he's a really cute guy and he's not an asshole, unlike the kids here. I'm in sophmore year in highschool, so is he, its just so perfect, i just wish my parents would let me date. If they found out i even had a crush on him, i would be in serious trouble. Anyways as I'm walking to first period i see him, our eyes meet and i look at him, and he looks at me, he gave me me a wave and i gave one back. I was so happy! All during first period i couldn't stop thinking about that, i was writing in my diary while my math teacher was leaturing, he realized i wasn't paying a attention and said "Hello? Ms. Gulibert? Are you paying attention?" I jump a little and say "yeah.. sorry Mr i was writing something down." but then he said this and i freaked out "mind to share to the class?" he said "uh..yeah..sure!" i flip the pages and try to find something school related but i just make something up quickly "umm... yes! this page says Mr Martinez is the best teacher ever! He's so nice and sweet!" The class looks at me like im crazy and starts laughing as the teacher says "Now guys let's not make fun of her because she knows the truth about me" I roll my eyes making sure he sees it, he doesn't say anything. Then Jake says "wow Rose you like Mr Martinez or something? Patheic," Thwe whole class laughs, i run out about to cry when Alex comes over, "shit." i say in my head "he can't see me like this" but then he starts talking, "Hey Rose you okay? i see you're crying, what happened?" i say in my head "stop he's so sweet!" "Rose? You okay?" he says, "Oh yea, jake was just being a jerk like always" i say. "oh, don't listen to him, you're amazing" he says. I wanted to scream, i was so flustered, and i think i might of blushed bc he said this "oh, your face is red, you must have be crying a lot, don't worry everything is okay" "oh shit, i was blushing, i never felt anything like this before" i said in my head. "thanks Alex," i say out loud before the bell rings "oops i have to go! or i'm gonna be late! Bye Alex!" "Bye!" I felt my heart pounding, i needed to calm down or im going to be emmbarsed in class again. I got to english and of course Jake is in this class too, "oooo, i saw you talking to that weirdo Alex out there, are you his bf of something?" the class laughs, you would think the teacher would do something about this but no, she just watches like its a movie, she really a fucking asshole. "Aww are you gonna cry again? Crybaby!" he says and points at me. "shut up Jake, at least Alex isn't an smartass unlike you" i say the class oooes at Jake "well, um you shut up!" he gets embarassed. The teacher says "Quiet down!" and starting yapping about todays subject, i usually just zone out during this class.

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