Chapter 3

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I'm finally not grounded anymore, today is Halloween, my costume is a zombie because my mom said that "it can't be any of those characters of yours or the people will think we're 'not royal' sweetie" in a meanish tone. Anyways even though its halloween we still have to go to school, not in our costumes of course. If I could have picked my costume I would have been Sailor Moon or Sailor Jupiter, but no I can't do anything I want. If It was up to me I would wear fingerless gloves, eyeliner, lots of black and cut my hair short but no I have to wear a pink dress, long hair and wear only mascara and lipgloss. I can't wait til I can move out, I'm so over my parents. Oh by the way I don't go to school when I'm grounded for so reason only good part about being grounded. Anyways I have to get on the bus. When I'm on the bus I look at Alex, I know it gives stalker vibes but I promise I'm not a stalker. Jake is also on my bus, he's always being annoying like right now. "Hey Rose, I heard you liked someone, is it me?" he really thinks he's the person I was talking about? Wild. "no its not you're an asshole and your mean" I say. "You sure? I know no one can resise this" he says as he pulls down his pants a little. "ew what the fuck? put that 3 inch a away" I say, he gets embarrassed and says "well whatever! you're ugly anyways!" "good" I say. I bet he likes me, but like ew, thank goodness that he doesn't think I was talking about Alex, he would be pissed because he likes me, you would think he would be nice if he liked me right? I don't know boys are weird. I walk off the bus and I see Alex I haven't talked to him since before I got grounded. "Hey Alex!" I say happily "Hey Rose!" he says back, I think i've mustered up the courage to ask for his number "Hey so I was wondering we have been friends for a a couple days, and I was wondering, could we maybe exchange numbers?" I say "Oh yea sure!" he says. "My phone number is 626-831-9333" he says "mine is 248-434-5508!" I say. "i'll text you later!" he says as the bell rings. I'm so excited but my mom can't know or I will be grounded FOREVER, I can't be. (few hours later) It's almost time to trick and treat and i'm kinda not excited, I wish I could have been a costume I wanted to be. Alex is gonna see me in this stupid costume, I did make my Sailor moon costume, maybe I should wear it? I don't know, you know what I'm going to! I got dressed and put on my costume and tried to snek past my mom, I did it! I went to where he said to meet and I saw him and got excited. "Hey Alex! I love your tuxedo mask costume!" I say happily "Oh my gosh! You like Sailor Moon?! ME TOO! Love your costume too!" he says super excited. Omg its perfect! Hes tuxedo mask and i'm sailor moon! It's perfect! But then i see Jake, ugh, after what happened this morning i don't wanna see him. "haha you dorks! you look like freaks!" Jake says while pointing at me and Alex. "shut up you asshole! at least im creative!" i shoot back. Then i realize he's a zombie, WE WOULD HAVE BEEN MATCHING! omg im so over all of this, ugh, i just wish he would move to canada or something! No, then i would feel bad for the Canadians, let's move him to Mars! Much better. anyways while me and Alex were walking we started talking a bit. "Rose, what's your fav band or singer? Mines My Chemical Romance" OH MY GOD!!!! I WANTED TO DROP DEAD! We have to be soulmates! "Omg me too!" i say very excited. After a while he said this "So Rose, the winter dance is coming soon and i was wondering would you wanna be my date there?" i stop in my tracks, and i wanted to scream yes yes yes like a manaic, but i controlled myself, "of course!" i can't believe that my crush since MIDDLE SCHOOL just asked me out, i was shocked and enthusiastic! Maybe at the dance i should ask him to be my boyfriend! omg! I can't wait! After walking a little bit more we sat down for a break, we were talking abot the dance then the cold air hit me like crazy and i was shivering, he asks "want my jacket?" i say "yes thank you!" After that i was wrapped in his jacket and he leaned over to kiss me, i leaned in too, we kissed and it was one of the best moments in my life. I wanted to die like this. It was warm, sweet, and soft, I was in love, for real this time..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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