The final showdown

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The Poop Squad ran towards the bad guys and attacked. They could see laser beams, and hypno beams, and lots of other beams flying at them. Baby bionic whale tried to attack loaf of bread, but he flung him away with his nunchucks, and baby bionic whale flew away "No, my baby!" Bionic whale flew to get baby bionic whale. Stickman was fighting hypno, he shot at a hypnotic beam from his eyes, but luckily stickman was very flexible and easily dodged hypno's attacks, and then punched him clear in face, and he fell onto the ground. Wiggle was attacking carrot boy, he threw his carrot at wiggle, but wiggle quickley reacted and dug into the ground. Carrot boy looked around in confusion until wiggle popped out of the ground from behind him, but luckily for carrot boy, he had really good eyesight, (because he's a carrot lol.) and he saw wiggle and kicked him onto the ground. [Now who do you think would win, a 3 inch tall stickman or a 500 foot tall cyborg cat? Well you'll see here.] Mini stickman came face to face with robot Catzilla. The giant cat thought they were going to win, but then mini stickman picked up the giant robot and chucked them far away. VERY far away. The rest of the bad guys looked scared, and then ran away. "Fine you win this time PoopSquad, but mark my words, I will get my revenge!" A blue light appeared around and then he popped out of existence.  

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