CHAPTER 2 - Watching and Waking up

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The island was mostly quiet this morning, aside from the rustling of the trees and the soft snoring of Suitcase leaning her head against Baseball. He was freezing without his jacket, but Suitcase needed a blanket, right? At least Suitcase was warm, because he certainly wasn't. Despite that, the two were content, sitting at the dock with their feet hanging off the edge, waiting for that slim chance that maybe, just maybe, Mephone would come back.

And of course, there in the distance was Taco, watching from afar, a bit jealous. She wish she had connections like that... but that wasn't the point of this watch. She too needed to watch for Mephone to come back. Though she had no ties to the prize, she still felt she needed to know if Mephone came back. They did leave everyone to pretty much... rot here. There wasn't much of a way for contestants to leave, so all they could do is wait, really. Even with Mic no longer being in the game, Knife still was. Knife was still in the game, and though their relationship was quite strained, she had still wanted to know his fate in the show at the very least. So, she watched, now as some sort of spectator... how amusing she became somewhat of a viewer of the show she sought to win. She felt a bit like Fan, in a way, with how closely she was watching everything.

In Hotel OJ, Mic was just waking up, still quite groggy and sleepy. Clearly, she was quite tired from the night before. Half-asleep, she groans as she smacks the snooze button on her alarm clock.

"Wake up, sleepyhead," Soap pulled curtains to the side, resulting in an angry groan from Mic. "You need to stop hitting snooze before I go insane."

Mic hadn't remembered hitting snooze all but one time, but when she looked at the clock, yeah, it was definitely time to get up now. She slowly raises from her bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Ughh," Mic groans, stretching her back a bit. She turns to her nightstand, looking at the book she was reading last night. She wishes reading was the only thing that kept her up. "Why do I have to wake up so early...?"

"You offered to help OJ with hotel duties, you know. It's good for you," Soap commented, leaned against the wall, tapping her fingers against it, waiting for Mic to finally get her ass out of bed. "It's a great distraction."

"Yeah, yeah, you're right..." Mic finally agreed and got out of bed, but that definitely didn't mean she was happy about it.

Half-hazardly, she picked a slightly tattered black pair jeans and a quite familiar top... the one she wore the first time she met Taco. There were still a few pencil smudges along the edge of the sleeves.

"Hm, how ironic..." Mic mumbled to herself, now heading to the on-suite bathroom to change and brush her teeth and stuff.

After she changed, as usual, she pulled back her hair into one bun. And of course, also as usual, she missed a few curls by her ears. How annoying...

As Mic got ready, Taco kept watch. Baseball and Suitcase, or as he called her, Suits, were still all over each other. Though jealousy fueled Taco's every thought, but she had to watch. That slim chance Mephone just MIGHT come back, that she could miss that, she just needed to keep watch, at least for most of the day...

Taco was pretty zoned out in her thoughts, making fake scenarios about Mephone coming back and getting his little screen cracked by Knife's fists, getting snapped out by some movement in the distanced. She jumped up, but no, it was no annoying, absent minded, neglective host... It was just "Suits" waking up.

"Mmmph..." Suitcase looked up, a gentle face now looking down at her.

She spewed out a few apologies, to an unmoved Baseball, laughing softly.

"Suits, you do this every shift... Don't worry, it's fine."

Baseball was right. It happened every god damn time. That girl had too many apologies in her sometimes... Taco wished she had that problem.

It seemed no matter how in the wrong she was, it was some HUGE task to just... apologize! Taco wanted so badly to just... say sorry sometimes. That prideful voice of her parents remained in her ear, though. It was always so stubborn.

Even just for Mic's sake, she wished it would go away.

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