Chapter Thirty-six

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"You still have time to change your mind." Taylor looked at her boss. "You can still root for me over Melon Man." Taylor just shook her head. "It was worth a shot."
"I don't know why you're trying to convert me when you've got Kasey on your side." Denny rolled his eyes.
"Kasey is always on my side."
"Shouldn't you be heading to the driver's meeting?" Denny looked at the time on his phone.
"You're right. I'll see you later."
"Good luck, boss." Taylor watched Denny jog in the same direction Ross had gone a few minutes prior.
"Taylor!" Taylor turned, finding Allegra walking towards her. "Your style is totes adorbs." Taylor smiled. "I hope I'm just as stylish as you if I ever get pregnant. Do you need a walking partner?"
"Uh, sure." Allegra looped her arm through Taylor's before they headed toward pit road. "Who are you here with this weekend?"
"I just started dating this new guy. I think he said he was on one of the pit crew's. Anyway, he's totally not what I usually date, but he's so cute and so nice. And smart, but he doesn't make me feel dumb."
"That's amazing. I'm happy for you."
"You didn't tell me if you and Ross are having a boy or a girl."
"It's a boy. Bennett Lee."
"That is so cute! You'll have to give me your address so I can get you a gift."
"You don't have to do that, Allegra."
"Nope. Don't even try to tell me no. It's practically bought already." Taylor caught sight of Morgan, waving her over.
"Morgan!" Taylor gave her friend a hug. "This is..."
"Allegra Scott. Nice to meet you." Allegra held out her hand. Morgan took it.
"Morgan Bell." The trio finished the walk to pit road.
"I'll see you ladies later! Taylor, don't forget to send me your address!"
"I will!" Morgan and Taylor watched as Allegra walked away before Morgan turned to face Taylor.
"What was that about?"
"I ran into her yesterday. And she's a lot nicer than I thought she was going to be."
"Baby gift?"
"Look at you befriending your boyfriend's ex."
"Maybe she's the ex that was addicted to trashy reality TV."
"Wasn't she on a reality TV show?"
"Yeah, but I can't remember which one."
"Are you two friends now?"
"I think so. You said I was befriending her."
"I know, but is it an actual friendship?"
"Why not? She's been nothing but nice to me."
"You besties now?" Taylor couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips.
"You and I both know I would die before I replace Christopher as my best friend."
"Wait, I thought I was your bestie and my husband was your best friend." Taylor laughed again.
"Is that how that works?" They took a moment and leaned against the wall between pit road and the racing surface.
"Have you heard anything about..." Morgan trailed off, not wanting anyone to hear.
"No, and it's driving me crazy."
"You didn't do anything wrong."
"I let Denny take care of it. I'm basically an accessory at this point." Taylor bit her lip.
"Everything will be fine. I'm sure we'll know soon."
"I hope so." Taylor rest her hand on her stomach. That was something she found herself doing a lot in stressful situations. And of course, Bennett was kicking like crazy. "This boy is going to make me pee myself." Morgan laughed. "I need to find a bathroom." Taylor left Morgan to search for a bathroom. After her trip to the bathroom for what felt like the twentieth time, Taylor headed back to pit road.
"Taylor!" Taylor turned, finding Ross jogging towards her. "What are you doing alone? I thought you were walking with Morgan?" Ross asked, pressing a kiss to her lips.
"I started alone, then I ended up with Denny, then Allegra and..."
"Again? You two are making a habit of it." Ross said, taking her hand in his.
"I guess. I guess Bennett is getting a gift from her too." Ross just nodded his head. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, why?"
"You have that look on your face."
"Just trying to focus."
"This may be the biggest race of your life."
"Pretty much." Taylor stopped walking and turned him so they were face to face. "Taylor."
"You got this, okay? Whatever happens today, I'm right by your side."
Taylor was in utter disbelief of what she just watch Ross do. She knew he needed two spots. She kept listening to Ross, Phil, and Brandon. Taylor had been more nervous than she had ever been. The checkered flag waved for Christopher. Taylor made a mental note to head to Victory Lane later.
"Talk to me, boys." They didn't know anything yet. A long moment later, they heard it.
"You made the transfer! You made the transfer, man!" Taylor let out the breath she didn't know she was holding. "That was fucking ridiculous, dude!" He did it. "That was wild. That was wild, man."
"Holy cow! Oh my God!"
"I don't know how long you've been sitting on that move, but that was fucking incredible dude."
"Dude, that was badass. Good job, guys." Taylor got off the pit box and straight into Susan's arms.
"He did it."
"My nerves were totally shot with 50 to go." Taylor said with a laugh. Susan let go of her before she was pulled into another hug, this one from Ralph. Ross pulled his now mangled racecar to pit road before climbing out. Justin got to him first, telling him that he did a damn good job. Ross did his interview before both Susan and Ralph came in to congratulate their son. Taylor stood off to the side, letting Ross have the moment with his parents. Justin came over to Taylor, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Taylor's went around his waist. "You gotta be proud of him."
"I'm always proud of him." Taylor looked over at her boyfriend as he was getting hugs and pats on the back from the crew and other drivers. "You should go over by him."
"I'm going to let him have his moment." Taylor watched as Ross looked around, more than likely looking for her. They made eye contact and she just smiled. Ross made his way over to her.
"What are you doing over here?" He asked as Justin left the pair alone.
"Letting you soak in your moment."
"I would like to do it with you." Taylor smiled.
"How long did you think about that move before you decided to try it?"
"About 45 seconds." Taylor laughed.
"I'm proud of you." Taylor pressed a kiss to his lips. He pulled her close, deepening the kiss. The crew started catcalling and whistling, someone yelling 'get a room!' at them. Ross flipped them off, his lips never leaving Taylor's. "I have to make a victory lane appearance. My best friend did win the race." She said against his lips. Ross reluctantly let her go. "I'll see you in a little bit."
"I'll be waiting." Taylor left him, heading towards victory lane.
"Taylor!" Morgan called, spotting Taylor on the outskirts. "What the hell was he thinking when he did that?!" Morgan asked, giving her a hug.
"He's not exactly sure." She said with a laugh.
"That was absolutely insane!"
"Taylor!" Taylor let Morgan go before pulling Christopher into a tight hug. "What was he thinking? I just saw a replay!"
"He just thought about it and did it. Enough about him, you won the race!"
"Nobody is talking about me though!" Taylor laughed. "He always knows how to steal the spotlight."
"That he does."
"So, who are you rooting for next week."
"Christopher!" Taylor smacked his arm, getting a laugh from her best friend.
"Stay for some pictures."
"You really want one with me?"
"All three of us." Taylor settled herself on one side of the trophy as Christopher and Morgan stood on the other side. They took a few pictures before Taylor had to leave. She found Ross and the crew at the hauler, Ross already changed into his street clothes.
"Hey, you." Ross turned and smiled the biggest smile. "You're already changed."
"Figured we can get on the road home soon. I would assume all of our stuff is already packed up?"
"You know me too well." Ross laced their fingers together as they watched them load his racecar into the hauler.
"How's Christopher?"
"Good, a bit pissed someone took away the spotlight from his walk off win into the Championship Four."
"I like to be dramatic."
"I know." She said with a laugh. "This is going to be the craziest week of your life, Ross."
"Our lives. You're going to be right there with me." Taylor put his hand on her stomach.
"Both of us."

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