New Mission: Protect the 3 dumbasses

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Tomura's POV


"Shigiiiii this is taking too long" Twice says having Himiko agree "Yeah this is taking too long, they should of been here at the drop off. *looks around* and where is Ren?" She says and I sigh "Something happened to his sister so he had to take care of it." I say looking at the spot where we are suppose to meet these arms dealers. "Wait Renren has a sister?" Twice says confusingly then a black van pulls up. "I'm sure he'll tell you everything later" I say to Twice "You ready Bakugou?" I whisper into the mic I have strapped on me "Of course I'm ready, just get the damn deal over and done with" He says and I walk up to the van "You're late" I say to the men as they get out of the car.

"Yes, sorry Mr. Shigaraki we had a problem back at base and needed to deal with it. Apparently some gang and a cop raided our base." He says and I tsk "I don't care about what happened, just show me the guns." I say and they instantly open the brief case and show all of the new prototypes the military has been doing. "How did you guys get ahold of something like this, specially without it being the talk of the town?" I say picking up the AR looking through the scope "Let's just say we stole it when they weren't looking" The guy says and his gangs laughs "So you're buying?" he ask and I stop looking at the scope then look at him "Nah, I'll take them though" I say smiling as a bullet goes straight through the bosses head and my gang finishes off the rest of them. 

"Fucking prick.. *I say under my breath* Load these up, our job for today is done." I say walking back to my car "Thanks Bakugou" I say and he replies back "Don't mention it. I'm cutting off the mic now." He says. He really is as mysterious as Izuku says.

Time skip (9:38pm)

Eri's POV

(Edit: if you are confused with this part and didn't want to do math, Eri and Kota are 17yrs old)

I can't believe I'm grounded because I tried to help my brothers, not to mention I don't even know how Kota is doing because papa took my phone. *I scream into my pillow* I turn to the side of my bed and pull out a picture me and Kota when we turned into second years in highschool

 *I scream into my pillow* I turn to the side of my bed and pull out a picture me and Kota when we turned into second years in highschool

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I look at the picture and sigh. No one knows that me and Kota has been dating for 2 years now, I'm not scared to tell Papa but it's dad that I'm worried about he might rip Kota into pieces is he finds out. I get lost in thought then I hear a knock "Hello?" I say but the knock gets a little louder, it's coming from my window. I get up too look at who it is, It's Kota! I open the window and step back so he can get in and he closes the window behind him. "Are you crazy? My room is on the second floor, how did you even get up here?" I say looks around his body to make sure he isn't hurt but I got instantly pulled into a hug.

"I was worried sick" he whispers to me but I hear a crack in his voice "I-I'm sorry.. I should of told you what was going on" I whisper back and motion him to the bed and we sit down "What happened? did they hurt you?" Kota ask and I tsk "As if! They couldn't even lay a finger on me." I say and he chuckles "atta girl" he says patting my head making me blush. "A-are you ok? I know they knocked you out pretty hard." I ask worriedly and he lays his head on mine "I'm fine, I was more worried about you than anything."

Me and Kota sit in silence for a little while till my papa knocks on my door "Eri? Can I come in?" I hurriedly hide Kota in my closet then sit back on my bed "Yeah you can come in!" I say and he walks in and instantly opens my closet "Oh c'mon what

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Me and Kota sit in silence for a little while till my papa knocks on my door "Eri? Can I come in?" I hurriedly hide Kota in my closet then sit back on my bed "Yeah you can come in!" I say and he walks in and instantly opens my closet "Oh c'mon what." I say and my papa shook his head "I head multiple footsteps and that type of thing only works in movies Eri, you should know that." He says shaking his head "Don't worry I won't tell your dad. Kota you can sit as well I need to talk to you both." My papa says and Kota says "yes sir" and bows then sits down next to me. 

"How did you 2 get information on Solar before I or the police did?" he ask and me and Kota looks at each other "It was easy, the day he went to the hospital there was an hidden payment of his release fees. The room number on the release fees was his exact room number so I put 2 and 2 together because no one else had that room around that time." I say and he looks at me in awe "Well I have a mission for you 2." He says "A mission? We're not even done with highschool yet Mr. Yamada" Kota says and my papa agrees "Yes but you two are already the top students in your classes, I'm sure they wouldn't mind If I send you both on a mission." He says making me and Koda nod.

"What is it?" I ask and my papa sighs "I know it's asking for much and I would never want to put you 2 in harms way but since you 2 we're already doing it before I want you to protect Toshi, Solar and Izuku. From the shadows, is that ok with you 2?" my papa ask and my eyes lit up "Of course papa! I will try my best!" I say and Kota rolls his eyes "I guess if Eri wants too, I will." "Great, I will make sure you 2 are well equipped and watched over as well so nothing bad will happen." Papa says about to exit the room but stops "Oh and Kota, If you break my daughter's heart I will break your neck." Papa says smiling making Kota audibly gulp "Make sure you protect her as well, have fun you 2!" he says and leaves the room. 

"If that's how your Papa is I do NOT want to know how your dad is." Kota says and I giggle "At least he approves." I say smiling at him as he looks away blushing with his annoyed face he puts on for show. 

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