falling, or ascending

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it was an ordinary sleepy Sunday mass offering, when parishioners come up to the altar to present flowers, candles, wine, hosts and money envelopes.

suddenly, he saw the aisle lightened up as a young lass approached - lips in a pout, her floral dress glowing, her pony tail swinging, sure of her steps.

so that's how an angel looked like, he thought.

and best, she gave a little impish smile.

he was caught unaware and suddenly starstruck. he freezed as a statue. his jaw dropped in awe. he saw the girl walked back to her place near the exit door. boy, she was gracious!

benito gently nudged him and whispered. "noel, go back to your place."

huh! he forgot about the events! he let out a whoosh. he was suddenly thirsty. his knees buckled. what happened, he asked himself. for the first time in his young life, he was feeling troubled for no reason at all - his heart sputtering!

he wanted to just see her again.

* * *

delle was uneasy. her dad continuously irked her by challenging that she strive to get scholastic honors, and in exchange for that, an electric bike, which has pedals to generate current.

she knew it was hard. but she thought of possibilities too.

* * *

noel cannot sleep.

he drank milk. but his stomach churned. count sheeps? there was no more in the corral! he put on blindfold but he saw her face in the darkness...

why was it like that? he should see her. but where?

* * *

noel's taleWhere stories live. Discover now