Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

It was a usual morning.

Her morning routines contains of her waking up at dawn and together with her father they would start their work outside their home.

She would help her father fishing for them to sell and sometimes if she had enough free time she would wander deep into the mountain to collect herbs she could sell to their town's renowned doctor. She even picked some flowers she can give to her mother.

Her mother adores flowers as much as Michiko. She spend her day outside until the sunset. Michiko wonder if her past mother also love flowers and her past father have the same gentle smile like Makoto— but her memories are hazy, blurry, and fading.

Michiko turned seven onJuly 15th. They have a small celebration and her mother cooked her favorite food.

Now — She stared at her two brothers who have been gleaming with sheer happiness ever since the sun rises.

Their smile reached to their ears as they sung them a happy birthday. Michiko, couldn't restrained her smile too, their happiness stretched throughout their humble home.

Once they finished singing the twins blow their candle together. It was a great sight to see.

"Happy birthday you two" her mother clasped her hands together and gave them a kiss on the cheek which made the twins giggled in unison.

While her father smiled at them with warmth. "Yui-kun, Mui-kun" he held out a wrapped clothe. It was a gift that they prepared it was Michiko who picked it!

The brothers tilted their heads in wonder. "Here's our gift. Your neesan choose them for the two of you" their gaze landed on her form. She fidgeted.

"Really? Mi-nessan choose these give for us?" Muichiro says with excitement his lips formed an o shape. Her face turned red she became bashful.

They hastily opened their gift.

Two Yukata the same design they wore during the manga.

Truth be told, Michiko's memories during her past life are now hazy, looking at the clothes in their town's boutique brought the memory back.

"They're beautiful! Thank you, Kaasan, Otousan, Mi-nessan!"

"But too big!" Yuichiro interject pouting.

"You can wear them when you grow" she says.

"But I wanna wear 'hem now!"

Michiko pinched Yuichiro's cheeks playfully. "Areh.. Yui-kun is excited"

"Of course I am! You choose these for us right Mui!" The youngest nodded. She give them an amused look. Warmth spread across her stomach.

"Your neesan have been working hard selling herbs" her father teased her.

"Am not"

"Now now. Let's eat before the food gets cold" her mother said.

Yuichiro and Muichiro agreed feeling hungry.

"B'fore tha', Mi-nessan stop pinchin' my cheeks" 

"Eh? What did I do, Yui-kun?" she said with a teasing tone. "I sai' stop pinchin' my cheeks!"

"Stop teasing your brothers, Yui-chan" her mother ordered her. "Alright, alright" she conceded.

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