Wake Up Call

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Raleigh's POV

I was startled awake by the sound of screams.

I forgot about my abdomen injury and used all my strength the sit up. Zach was up and by my side in an I instant swiveled my head around, panicking.

Looking at Zach, I yelled above the frantic people, "What the hell is going on?"

"I have no freaking clue," Zach responded as he grabbed my hand.

I stood myself up, with the help of Zach.

"Where's Gray?" I yelled.

As if on cue Gray came up from behind Zach and said, "There's a bunch of guys hovering above our boat in a helicopter. They have guns and are threatening to kill people."

I rubbed my eyes in frustration and asked, "Why is it always us?"

Suddenly, the door to our seating area was opened with a loud BANG.

An armed man in body armor held a pistol in his hand threateningly. A large scar ran from his left eyebrow to the right corner of his mouth. I instantly recognized that scar; it belonged to my old "supervisor": Hilton (that's his last name... call him anything else and he punishes said person severely) He's the one that "watched over" me before Owen got me out of that Godforsaken "Care" home.

"Zach, Zach, I know these men. They're from InGen," I whispered into Zach's shoulder.

Zach had pushed Gray and I behind him, as if he were our shield.

"Alright listen up!" The InGen militant yelled.

"I'm lookin' for three people! Their names are Gray Mitchell, Zach Mitchell, and Tabitha Grady: Two teens and a kid. If you don't bring them to us we'll sink the boat!" The man yelled again.

I inhaled sharply in fear.

They've come back for me. They've come back to finish what they started and now Zach and Gray are in danger, I told myself mentally.

Many people in the cabin pointed us out, I mean we're kind of hard to miss, you know being all beaten up. The militant stalked towards us.

"Nice to see you again, Darling," Hilton snarled at me, his voice dropping with venom.

"Back off!" Zach yelled at the man, noticing my fear.

Hilton stopped mere inches from Zach's face.

"Oh how brave. How sweet. Pwotecting your wittle girlfriend, awww. You should learn to not speak out of turn Lover Boy," Hilton spat.

Hilton then raised his handgun and pistol-whipped Zach across the face, causing is head to snap to the side. Zach was clearly in pain but he held his ground, shielding Gray and I from the barbarian before us.

Hilton roughly grabbed Zach's chin and a muttered, "Learn yourself some manners, boy."

As he spoke his rotting breath wafted into my face; I forced myself to swallow the bile that had worked its way up my throat, due to the smell.Hilton pulled out a Walkie talkie and demanded for "backup".

Two men entered the seating area upon command.

They moved quickly and within seconds were upon us. The two men grabbed Gray and I while Hilton grabbed the front of Zach's shirt and pulled him along behind him. As we stumbled and tripped I saw the desperate faces of the Mitchell parents. They just got their boys back and now their losing them again, thanks to me.

We were pushed to the top of the boat were a helicopter was indeed hovering above the boat. I was shoved from behind, causing me to fall to my knees. I hissed in pain and wrapped an arm around my abdomen. When I removed my arm it came back warm and sticky with the blood from my freshly reopened wounds. The sight of my own blood made me dizzy.

I didn't have the strength, nor desire, to stand back up on my own.

Zach tried to move forward to help me but was yanked back by that foul creature, Hilton.

Out of anger Zach made some snarky remark. Hilton placed his other hand over Zach's mouth. Seeing this as is chance (to do what? I don't think Zach even knew...), Zach bit down on Hilton's hand, hard enough to draw blood. Swearing like a fiend Hilton let go of Zach, who promptly ran to my side and helped me stand.

Hilton regained some of his dignity and yelled, "Hold him down and grab the girl; put the little one in the chopper!"

Two more militants grabbed both of Zach's arms, while another supported me and tried to stick a needle of a syringe into my neck.

Gray screamed in terror as he was manhandled, and carried up the swinging ladder, into the chopper.

"Damn boy needs to be taught a lesson," Hilton muttered; pure rage emanating from his being.

Raising his pistol Hilton pointed it at Zach's chest.

I struggled in the man's grasp, trying to get to Zach.

All I remember before feeling the prick of the needle at the base of my neck, was screaming Zach's name as Hilton pulled the trigger whilst he growled in hatred, "I never did like working with kids."


It's finally here!!!!

Please read on...

^I'm too lazy to write it out

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