Raleigh the Splice to the Rescue

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Raleigh's POV

When I woke the next morning Zach and I were still tangled together. I noticed that Gray was gone and immediately got worried.

"Zach," I whispered.

He was still sound asleep so I gently shook his shoulder, careful not to touch his still healing bullet wound. Zach mumbled something incoherently and tightened his grip on me.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty, Gray's gone; wake up," I said a little louder this time.

Zach managed to speak this time.

"What?" he groaned in a gravelly morning voice.

I let out a breathy laugh and responded, "I said 'wake up'; Gray's gone."

"Mmkay," he replied, still mostly asleep.

"Raptorboy pay attention: your brother is missing," I said.

Zach opened his eyes this time and said, "Well go find him then."

"You want me to go by myself? Alright, well when I get killed by InGen I'm going to blame you. My headstone will say 'Here lies Raleigh: Killed in action because Zachary Mitchell was too lazy to help her find his brother'," I retorted in playful sarcasm.

"Okay, okay; I'm up. Just lemme put some clothes on," he muttered.

I then slid out of his arms and went to find some clothes of my own. Zach grumbled and muttered gibberish as he quite literally rolled out of bed. He pulle some clothes out of his drawer and proceeded to change whilst I grabbed some clothes and headed for the bathroom to change.

When I exited the restroom Zach was stumbling around the hotel room searching for his shoes. As he was walking by one of the bedside tables he stubbed one of his toes on the leg. He immediately yelped and let out a string of curses as he clutched his foot in pain and hobbled around on one foot. He then stumbled and fell onto the floor, face first, still holding his foot.

He simply slumped against the floor and sighed in defeat.

"I hate mornings," he mumbled into the carpet.

I stifled a laugh and knelt down next to his floor-bound figure.

"You know, your shoes were on the other side of the room next to the window," I said.

He moved his head to where it was facing me and glared at me with one eye. This caused me to erupt into laughter.

"Wait here I'll go get them for you," I told him.

I retrieved his shoes and when I returned to him he had managed to pull himself into a slumped seated position.

Dropped the shoes next to him and he proceeded to slide them onto his feet at an agonizingly slow pace. While Zach was whining about mornings I put on the shoes Claire had picked out for me: Vans. I mean they fit but I'll have to swing by Owen's hut to get some better shoes. I threw my hair up into a ponytail and was stood waiting by the door with a walkie in hand.

Zach eventually made it to the door and we made our way to the elevators (which surprisingly were still running). After we made it to the bottom floor I allowed my sense to sharpen. Zach and I became very cautious as we picked our way to Head Quarters.

"Owen, Zach and I are on our way to HQ at the moment... We'll be there in a sec," I spoke into the walkie.

"Copy that," Owen's voice crackled to life, "the area's clear of any warm bodies other than you two and there are no dinos as far as we can see in the courtyard."

"As far as you can see? Gee that's comforting," I mumbled to myself.

I nodded my head to Zach and we pushed open the Hotel doors and sprinted through the courtyard to the Control Center. Once we made it through the first set of door we made our way to the main computer room.

Owen let us in and we finally let our guard drop.

"Where's Gray?" Zach immediately asked.

"Eating Breakfast with Claire," Owen responded, "They're in the side conference room."

Zach headed for the conference room and then turned to me, "You coming?"

I shook my head and said, "I'll be there in a moment, I need to talk to Owen first."

Zach nodded his head and then joined Claire and Gray for breakfast.

"What's up pup?" Owen asked me in a quiet voice.

I got right to the point and said, "I need to know where Wolf is. I need to be with him."

Owen didn't speak for a long time.

"He's back in his cage and has already had his stitches removed. Raleigh you need to know that we're low on resources now, I don't know how long we're going to be able to keep the animals sustained in their personal environments On top of that, most of the dinos got loose during the attack," Owen eventually replied.

My features grew serious and I said, "I can help round them up."

"No," Owen immediately responded, "no way on God's green earth am I ever letting you go out there on your own."

"Uncle Owen be practical, I'm a Splice remember? You can put a camera on me and everything. This'll make life much easier and it'll get the job done faster," I responded.

Owen gave me a hard look.

I raised my eyebrows at him and said, "I'm going out there no matter what, so you either give me permission or keep me safe or I go out on my own and put myself in danger."

Owen scowled and said, "I hate it when you put me in this kind of position."

I smirked and replied, "I know, but you love me anyway."


After joining the Mitchells and Claire for breakfast I met back up with Owen to establish a game plan.

I would be starting in the Gyrosphere valley where blue was seemed to be staying and then work my way to the Gallimimus Valley where the T-Rex was staking claim. All that being said, I had full intentions of breaking Wolf out of his "cell" before hunting down either animal.

After that I made my way to the restroom, got undressed, and then shifted into my Velociraptor form. When I rejoined everyone in the Control Room Owen was in the process of explaining what was going on to Zach and Gray. Too be honest, the looks on the faces of Owen, Claire, and Lowery made my day: Claire looked comically terrified, Owen simply looked dumbfounded, and Lowery looked absolutely thrilled to be in my presence.

I chirped at Owen who moved forward to put a camera on my head. I hissed at him and jerked my head back when I suddenly realized that the camera would be a pain if I were to shift into a different form. Owen raised an eyebrow at me.

I snorted and shook my head.

"Well fine then, if you won't wear the camera then you're gonna have to have a tracker on you.

I glared at him and hissed. He gave me a pointed look and I huffed in defeat. Owen then inserted the chip just next to my shoulder blade. We then walked to the entrance.

I had just exited the doors when I heard Zach yell from behind me, "Stay safe, Ral!"

I turned and barked at him before turning and running off towards the Wolf's paddock.


Here's yet another filler chapter, school's finally out though so I'll be attempting to update for more frequently.

As always please vote, comment, leave feedback, etc.

:3 Lots of Love <3


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