Rough Landing

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Sorry for not updating guys, school is consuming all my time :/


Raleigh's POV

My wings sliced through the air effortlessly.

I didn't know exactly where I was or where I was going, but some internal sense of direction had me on very strict flight path.

During the first few minutes of the flight Gray and Zach screamed and flailed in my massive taloned hands. They soon tired, however, and fell into a heavy silence.

My breath turned into gasping as I tired. My wings felt heavy and clumsy and we suddenly began to lose altitude.

I whined in fear as our decent quickened.

We emerged through the clouds and I caught a glimpse of an island about a mile and a half away.

I'm never going to make it there! I yelled internally.

You'll make it, The voice responded.

I was now flapping my wings fast and sloppily, trying my best to aim for the island. I roared in fear, causing Gray to startle awake and Zach to yelp.

I wheezed with each wing stroke, and the outer edges of my eyes started to darken.

I'm not *wheeze* gonna *wheeze* make it. I told myself panicking.

You ARE going to make it Tabitha! Just a little further sweetheart! The voice responded.

We were a few hundred feet from the island when my wings gave out.

As we tumbled through the air my roar of fear mixed with the screams of the two boys that I held onto desperately.

Using the last of my strength I wrapped myself around the boys, using my wings as a sort of shield. Out of sheer luck we crashed into the think foliage of the island. As my body crashed through the trees I sent a silent prayer that Zach and Gray would be alright. I hit the forest floor with a resonating BOOM, and blacked out.

Zach's POV

When Raleigh started to fall from the sky I couldn't help but hope that smashing into the earth at over a hundred miles an hour would be a quick painless death.

I screamed involuntarily as we fell.

Suddenly, Raleigh wrapped her body and wings around Gray and I, tucking us into her chest. I now couldn't see the sky but knew we were still falling.

Glancing at Gray's face I saw that he was crying. I tired to reach my hand to him, but before I could even move we jerked forward, and I heard the snapping of trees.

We slammed into the ground.

When I opened my eyes everything was blurry and my head throbbed.

I slowly turned my head to see that Gray looked unconscious. We were both bruised and battered but miraculously alive.

Raleigh's wings had fallen open as her broken body lay on the ground. She had managed to flip herself midair so her back was to the earth. I heaved myself up and out of her massive hand and moved towards Gray. I pulled him out of Ral's other hand and dragged him to a nearby tree, carefully laying him down.

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