chapter 4

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[Guns blazing, some involve lying in ambush, some even use boarding parties and combat but regardless which is used bringing the enemies ship systems under your control is critical electronic warfare is a quiet battle fought without guns and combat, the losing ship seizes control and life support systems to the enemy]

[now we are at the relay station with marika and chiaki both are on night watch as they both noticed electronic warfare being used on the odette 2 at the relay station via direct cable as marika now tries her hand at electronic warfare]

marika: i'm gonna!!............................

chiaki: don't blame me for what is about to happen just so your clear i dont know much about electronic warfare either but you are decisive, it wasn't something that i was expecting

marika: because it's something i'm good at

chiaki: heh

in the mind of marika: make the best decision you can and believe in it

[R you ready, for me time skipper to inside the odette 2]

marika: ah ahem

chiaki: what?

marika: i think we need something to get started, ya know

chiaki: what kind of something?

marika: maybe begin operation or something like that

chiaki: electronic warfare is not a gunfight you wait quietly while leaving the enemy alone then by keeping your guard up you sneak in, it probably is not what you think it is

marika: well you have not done it before either right chiaki-chan

[marika is now playing with the EW chair]

marika: alright then i'm booting up the odette 2's electronic warfare systems

[marika is now typing at the ew computer]

chiaki: if we get totally outmatched we pull the plug

marika: wouldn't that break it

chiaki: you can not engage in electronic warfare if your going to be that hesitant listen

[all of sudden the odette 2 has automatically started fighting back against the..........SPACE INVADERS................]

chiaki: NO WAY?!?!?! the ship has begun communicating on its own

[SRP: the ship is possessed!?!?! author: no it is the hakajeu in motion, so 🤬 off & you better quit breaking my fourth wall, god 🤬 it! welp back to the story]

marika: What!?! wait where is it connecting to

chiaki: it is connecting to a major database somewhere, the stellar military records division!?! and also automatic defenses, could this be, i knew it every single one of these attacks are one way communications to the d-block docking port

marika: what does that mean?

chiaki: when the electronic warfare computer systems were booted up it started fighting the enemy

marika: huh what's this

chiaki: all power is being routed to the electronic warfare system it is drawing 4 times no, 5 times the power

marika: wow it is retaking the system keep going just keep on going

chiaki: will you stop cheering and help me

marika: ha what the huh

chiaki: the dockside breaker tripped this system has a bigger appetite than i anticipated

Wait!?!, im yuuki konno Or Zekken in Mouretsu Pirates AUWhere stories live. Discover now