chapter 7 battle at midnight part 2

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Transponders, a broadcasting Device that is required to be active on all ships in order to notify others of their presence a ship's name, registry, present location, and heading the transponders is human wills, and goals when sailors understand their ships the vastness of space becomes a golden sea in this era space is still filled with memories of the distant age of space exploration

Marika: I think like to change the flight plan a little

Chiaki: it's going to be a long night

Marika: our original plan was to go around Tau ceti on the other side sand of the red star so I thought it might be faster if we start are turn sooner and go inside the sand of the red star orbit it will shave off some time off the flight plan and get us back to the relay station a little faster

Jenny: and?

Marika: huh?

Jenny: that is not the only reason to save time, and the real reason we changed our path explain that too

Marika: well the biggest reason is that I think we can limit the enemy's actions this way we are almost inside the sand of the red star's gravity field the area around the planet is completely within radar scanning range but as of yet we haven't seen any ships that would be likely to attack us if there is enemy after us there is only one possible reason they haven't shown themselves, they are hiding somewhere

Jenny: and where is that somewhere?

Marika: there are currently only 2 area's where the Odette II can't see the far side of the red star or inside the sun where of course the radiation is to strong for radar to function properly

Jenny: I vote for the one that is not the sun

Rg01: agreed

Rg02: another vote for the planet Sand of the Red Star

Jenny: 1 of the basic rules of aerial combat is to always be closer to the sun, that's a good idea, i don't see any spaceships likely to cause trouble, and it's within the error margin for our submitted flight plan, so make the changes

Marika: the change to the flight plan means we won't be close to the sand of the red star on the morning of the 4th day but midnight on the 3rd

Jenny: so the battle will begin while the teachers are fast asleep you think it will work that way it's possible they won't attack untill morning

Marika: well that will buy us more distance from sand of the red star and the extra sunlight we will gain that much speed and in the worst case nothing happens I'm so sorry, It will say it was all in my mind

Jenny: then that's just fine

[Everyone laughing]

Jenny: ok everyone it's going to be happening tonight

[Everyone now nods and timeskip to everyone sneaking up to the bridge at midnight]

Marika: has it started

Rg01: not yet the most dangerous time is Right after our check-ins or when we are close to sand of the red star, right?

Marika: that's right the check-in happens once every hour and we'll be our closest to sand of the red star 5 mins. Before the next so I think it Will begin when we send our next check-in

Rg01: sending our check-in I will update our position and say that there are no problems, ok

Rg03: maybe we should add we are preparing to engage an unknown enemy warship

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