Forever, even after death.

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His smile was contagious, I knew that we were undercover but I couldn't help but smile and giggle with him. We walked up to the antique shop. The bell signaled our entry as we made our way through the cramped space. I looked up at Lockwood who quickly whispered the plan to me. Then he confidently walked away. I turned my attention to the kind looking lady at the back of the store, she smiled at me and then looked down at a boy who stood up to her waist. Mrs. Adelaide Winkman the wife of a feared mafia leader, though Lockwood and George think that she is the actual one behind anything related to the paranormal black market. She is the one usually to strike up a deal instead of her husband. Leopold the son had relatively decent phychic abilities according to George's research. He was the one at the door to make sure it was actually a source and not a fake item. He also was used to tell the severity of a source. I felt sorry for him, being in such a terrible family would have driven me insane. 

I walked toward the counter where the woman was eyeing me. The boy had disappeared. "Hello, I was wondering if you have any jewelry. Specifically rings, I'm looking for a Valentine's gift for my boyfriend." I explained devoid of any other ideas. "Was that the young man from earlier?" She asked. "Yes! Yes it's him." I said. She hastily stood up and walked past me. "I have a matching pair of rings, would you be interested in that?" She spoke. "Can I see them?" I asked genuinely intrigued. She pulled out two black rings with gold symbols around it. Why did ancient jewelry always have to have weird symbols and ancient dead languages? I gasped aloud when she softly grabbed my hand and slipped the smaller ring on. "There see? It's beautiful on you." She cooked. "Umm, thanks?" I said. "The symbols mean forever even after death." She answered. "How much?" I asked. "11 pounds." She replied smoothly. There is no way it was that cheap. "I'll take them." I said. I had brought money specifically for if I needed a distraction. But the rings were so beautifully alluring to me. I could give one to Lockwood as a symbol of my friendship. Yes, I wanted more than to be 'friends' but at least he'll know that I will always be there for him. I handed Adelaide the money from my "ripped" pocket. She gave me the other ring. 

Leopold, the boy shut the door behind me and locked it with a sickening click. Adelaide then began to walk around me. "My son noticed your hands when you walked in. Only someone who wields a rapier gets those markings. I even got to see them up close to confirm." She spat it out like poison. "Don't pretend like your not agents, we know what your looking for and you will never find it." Lockwood came stumbling from a side door. Winkman was behind him. "I guess you can giver your boyfriend that ring now since you won't be alive any longer than that." she nudged me toward Lockwood. "A final parting gift I suppose." She said as she pressed the ring further into my shaking fingers. "She's just and employee, she's not going to tell anybody anything! Let her go!" Lockwood said almost pleadingly while also giving me a questioning look. 

I slammed the ring into his hand and turned around to find that Leopold had grabbed a small knife. The handle was black with black lead wound around it and the blade was a shiny silver. It was a pretty basic blade but still was menacing. He handed it over to his mother. Winkman took Lockwood back into the room that they came out of as Adelaide pointed the knife at my back. She led me into the room and down some steps. In the new room was rows of mysterious artifacts surrounded by iron and silver nets, even with the protection faint glimmers of other worldly light peaked through. Through the dancing blues and greens was a small corner surrounded with concrete. In the middle was a drain, there was also shackles on either side of the corner. I stiffened when Adelaide walked swiftly past me and grabbed my wrist bringing me with her. I quickly snatched an object on my left and dropped it. It landed on the ground without even making a sound. A female ghost with a Victorian or Edwardian gown and hair popped out. Her face was contorted in an eerily way. Her arm was sticking out in an unnatural angle and she was missing a leg. She looked very young maybe 16 or 17. She swooped toward Adelaide who immediately shielded herself with her silver bracelets. Me and Lockwood were already safe, we were both wearing concealed iron and silver jewelry. Plus, we both kept salt bombs on our person at all times. I quickly grabbed Lockwood in the chaos and ran up the stairs. 

I could hear insults, slurs, and threats coming from Winkman's mouth. I didn't care, I was focused on the front door. I slammed my arm into the lock snapping it. We ran out into the street, it was cold and moist out like traditional English weather. "Lucy, how about a cup of tea?" Lockwood said once we were far enough away. I nodded. "And a little chat?" He finished. I bet there was a mortified look on my face. "I-It was nothing! I just couldn't think of an excuse! I know we had this figured out before, but my mind was just blank! That's is all. Absolutely nothing more!" I stuttered as my face became more red by the second. Lockwood looked down, he looked disappointed? Oh no! He probably hates me, no he must be disgusted with me. Then a switch turned off in him. His face was impassive, "Alright, now let's go. George is probably worried sick." He said. 

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