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George was in fact not worried sick. We found him in the kitchen making a bowl of batter, or maybe it was some muffin mix. He gave a few incomprehensible grunts before shooting us out. I guess no tea then. I started walking up to my room. Then I heard a muttering sound coming from George's room. Normally I would leave this alone but George and Lockwood were downstairs. Besides that there was also that glow and the voice was distorted. I stepped right outside of the threshold, I took a deep breath of clean air. Pushing the door in front of me to be faced with the skull. He was practically doing back flips in his jar. The muttering stopped, the skull gave me a blank expression upside down. "Hello Lucy, would you mind if you did me a little favor?" It spoke. I stared in shock while it continued, "Could you go kill George. I'm sure you could use some things in here. Ooh! You could use that frog right over there." His plasm was whipped in every direction. "No wait, you should let me out!" I continued staring. Was I ghost locked? I moved my pinky finger. No I was not ghost locked! "Yo-You just talked!" I shouted. "Its- Your- I'm not crazy!" I whispered mainly to myself.

"Lucy whats wrong?" It was Lockwood. George stumbled out from behind him. "Was it talking Lucy? Well was it?" George questioned frantically. I just pointed to the skull who was talking about murdering Lockwood this time. "-then he can reunited with Jessica!" I looked over at Lockwood. "Its speaking!" I blurted. I paused a minute, "Who's Jessica?" Lockwood froze in place, "What did it say?" He yelled. The skull stopped talking and I shrunk, "Sorry I didn't mean to yell." He said. He placed a hand on my shoulder. "George, will you make us some tea?" Lockwood whispered over his shoulder while George scurried away. "Lucy, can you tell me word for word what the skull is saying." He looked at me. "Y-Yes" I shakily said. "He stopped talking though." He looked at me then at the skull. "What did he say earlier about Jessica?" He asked. "He was trying to convince me to kill you and said that 'then he can join Jessica' or something of that sort." I said. "Oh I see. Can you ask him if he's met this 'Jessica" girl?" He said as I turned to the skull. "I heard him you don't have to ask. Yes I have met this 'Jessica girl'" He replied mimicking Lockwood. I turned to Lockwood and conveyed the message. 

Lockwood grumbled and walked out of the room while I trailed behind him. He stopped walking when he reached the kitchen. George had the tea tray set up with a small plate of biscuits. He was in the process of pouring tea when me and Lockwood showed up. Lockwood grabbed a teacup and a biscuit and left to the library. I stayed behind to answer all of George's questions. After I retold George what happened he started gnawing on his biscuit mumbling to himself. I placed my empty teacup in the sink and walked to the library. I was tired with the events that happened today but I wanted to check up on Lockwood before I headed up to my room. He was staring out the window. When I got closer I could tell he'd been crying. He noticed my presence and quickly adjusted his depressed face into a forced smile only making my heart sink further. Surprisingly we were both still wearing out disguises outside and in. "Are you alright?" I asked hesitantly. "I will be." He replied. "I was just heading to my room." He said and stepped past me. I took his cold tea and placed it in the sink too. 

Then I headed to my room. I grabbed my sketchbook and started drawing Lockwood. I drew him fighting yesterday's ghost. Then I drew the ghost I released in the Winkman's shop. Then I went back to drawing Lockwood. Eventually I had an entire page filled with just him. I stopped and realized what I had been doing for the past hour. I took the page and carefully ripped it out of its binds, sticking it to my mirror next to all my other drawings. I changed into my basic shirt, skirt, and leggings. There was a small knock coming from my door. "It's me Lockwood could you open the door for me?" I nodded and realized that he couldn't see me. I smiled and said, "It's unlocked you can just come in." He opened the door and approached me. "Sorry about yelling at you again." He said while scratching his neck. "Jessica was my sister." He said. I stared blankly at his face. "She died when I was young, and it was my fault." Tears started forming in his eyes. "I wasn't there for her when she needed me." He finished. "Oh" that was all I could say. I went closer to him and hugged him. He tested his head on mine and held me like his life depended on it. He pulled away and said, "Lucy do you mind talking to the skull again?" "Of course! If it'll make you happy!" I replied. Then he gently grabbed my chin and raised my face to meet his eyes. He was smiling is whole genuine gigawatt smile! "Thank you! Lucy what would I ever do without you?" I just smiled at him. 

He took my hand and I felt my face grow hot. He was wearing the ring I had given him earlier. We walked to George's room hand in hand. I grabbed the skull which was using very colorful language directed toward me and Lockwood. I set it on the kitchen table and grabbed a pen. I scribbled down almost everything it said. Lockwood caught onto my 'translations' and told me over and over that I had to write it just as the skull had said it. I decided to write on paper so that we could throw it away. The skull was mainly talking about how he wanted me to kill George. But every now and again he would name-drop someone random that I didn't know. Lockwood stood looking behind my shoulder. Reading every word I wrote. Eventually he spoke up, "Will you ask it about Jessica?" I looked to the skull. "Yeah, Yeah. I heard him. What does loverboy want to know?" The skull replied snarkily. "What do you mean by that?" I asked the skull. "Lucy, what did he say?" Lockwood said. "Well he's very obviously in love with you. He check you out whenever your turned the other way." It spoke while Lockwood looked at me solemnly. "Lucy, I need to know what its saying." "It said something about bathing with George." I replied.

 I could tell that he could see through my lie, but didn't press on. The skull sat idly in front of us silently watching the interaction and clearly judging us. After a moment he spoke, "Jessica passes through on my side every so often. She doesn't like speaking to me. Pity, we would make such good friends." I repeated what the skull said to Lockwood. "What does she do?" He said speaking directly to the skull this time. "How would I know? I'm stuck in this measly jar! I can't even move freely on my side!" It blurted. "When she does talk to you what does she say?" Lockwood questioned further. "I dunno. If you let me out of this prison I might tell you!" I wrote the words the skull said before my ears popped. I looked over at the creature and sure enough it was just a floating blob of human remains now. "That's all were going to get Lockwood." I looked over at his face. I noticed a single tear streak and a small sad smile planted on his face. "Okay, thank you Lucy. Thank you." He whispered that last thank you. "I'll make my leave now." He said as he walked through the door and up the stairs. I walked to the library where I sat in my chair. I looked out the window seeing two faint silhouettes in the background. Neither one belonging to a living breathing person. I saw the stars litter the sky and I took a deep cleansing breath in. One glance at the clock told me that is was two thirty in the morning.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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